The Watauga County Arts Council, a designated county partner of the North Carolina Arts Council, is offering grant funding for qualified projects in Watauga County through the Grassroots Grants Program and to artists through the Regional Artist Project Grants Program.
The deadline for Regional Artist Project Grant applications is Friday, Sept. 11.
The deadline for applications for Grassroots Grants applications is Friday, Sept. 18.
Two free workshops are being offered to assist interested artists or representatives of organizations in preparing their applications.
For Regional Artist Project Grants, the workshop is on Wednesday, Aug. 26 at 6 p.m.
For Grassroots Grants, the workshop is Wednesday, Aug. 26 at 4 p.m. While both workshops are free, please email that you intend to attend so that adequate materials will be available.
Regional Artist Project Grants
The Arts Councils of Alleghany, Ashe, Watauga, and Wilkes are once again accepting applications for the Regional Artist Project Grants, which is a grant awards program just for artists.
This partnership offers competitive grants to artists living in these four counties. It is intended to provide project support to a broad range of visual, performing, literary, and inter-disciplinary artists that will have a significant impact on the advancement of their career.
Regional Artist Project Grants have been offered in this region since 1998 and, since then, over $98,000 has been awarded to 160 artists.
Artists in all disciplines are eligible to apply and Regional Artist Project winners from 2014-2015 must wait one year to reapply for funding. Awards generally range from $250 to $1000.
For more information email the Watauga County Arts Council at or call us at 828-264-1789. Check the Watauga County Arts Council website at for application forms and further information.
Grassroots Grants
Projects which are eligible for this grant program are those artistic and cultural activities sponsored by any non-profit community based organization. Under state guidelines, emphasis will be placed upon the projects of qualified arts organizations (e.g. theaters, galleries, art guilds, choral societies, musical organizations, dance companies, writers groups, arts festivals), the support of arts in education programs conducted by qualified artists which take place in school settings, after school, or through summer programs (however, grassroots funds may not be used for activities associated with a school’s internal arts programs such as in-school student performances, the purchase of art supplies, or student arts competitions and publications), and arts programs provided to the community by other community organizations. These programs should be conducted by qualified artists.
All projects which receive funding must take place between July 1, 2015 and June 30, 2016. All grant awards must be matched by at least an equal cash match from the applicant organization and may not be matched by state funds.
Criteria for selection will include:
- strong community support;
- involvement of racial and ethnic minorities and other traditionally underserved segments of the community;
- responsiveness to community cultural needs;
- involvement of local professional artists;
- the organization’s administrative ability and financial stability, and
- the organization’s ability to develop sufficient funding for the project.
Application Process:
- Complete NCAC Subgrantee Application Form (available from the Watauga County Arts Council website or office) and return it along with the Application Cover Page and Budget Worksheet to the WCAC office by the published deadline. Applications which do not have all three underlined components will not be considered.
- The NCAC now requires that all subgrant applicants have on file (with the local arts council) their current Conflict of Interest (this needs to updated annually, approved by your board, and signed by the board chairperson) and a current copy of the state’s No Overdue Tax Debt Form.
- Applications are reviewed by a panel of county representatives.
- The recommendations of the panel are presented for approval by the Watauga County Arts Council’s Board of Directors.
- Applicants are notified by mail of their acceptance into the program. With this notification, all report forms will be sent to them, along with a list of instructions and a contract which is to be signed and returned upon receipt. It is advisable to read carefully through all these materials before proceeding.
- Applicants carry out their event, being CERTAIN to include the required credit line in ALL written and oral publicity.
- Applicants complete the NCAC Subgrantee Report Form immediately following their event and return it to the WCAC along with sample publicity and any publications which include the credit lines. Prior to turning in the Report Form it is advisable to use the checklist provided with your notification packet to ensure that you have included all required materials.
- The Report Form and all required attachments must be complete and pass review by the Executive Director or Panel Chairperson before payment of the grant award can be made.
All forms are available at
The amount of money available for each grant is dependent on the total Grassroots allotment from the North Carolina State Arts Council to Watauga County’s Designated County Partner, the Watauga County Arts Council. Grant amounts generally range from $100 to $500 per project but may be considered for up to $1000.
For additional information contact the Watauga County Arts Council by email at, by mail at 377 Shadowline Drive, Boone, NC 28607, or by telephone at 828-264-1789.
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