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‘What in the World Would We Do’ Without AppalCART? Ribbon Cutting Celebrating New Facility Happens

(Left to right) AppalCART Transportation Director Chris Turner, Boone Town Council Member Andy Ball, Boone Mayor Loretta Clawson, NCDOT Secretary Tony Tata, AppalCART Board Chair Jerry Moretz, AppalCART Board Member Angie Boitnotte, and ASU Vice Chancellor of Business Affairs Greg Lovins participate in the ribbon cutting. Photo by Jesse Wood

By Jesse Wood

Aug. 2, 2013. AppalCART celebrated its new facility with a ribbon cutting on Friday afternoon.

Construction of the $5.5 million project began in 2009 and featured setbacks along the way with the initial contractor running into financial trouble. Boone-based Greene Construction was awarded the new contract to finish the project last December, and in June, AppalCART moved into the new 10,000-square-foot facility.

Participating in the ribbon cutting were AppalCART Transportation Director Chris Turner, Boone Town Council Member Andy Ball, Boone Mayor Loretta Clawson, NCDOT Secretary Tony Tata, AppalCART Board Chair Jerry Moretz, AppalCART Board Member Angie Boitnotte, and ASU Vice Chancellor of Business Affairs Greg Lovins.

After the ribbon cutting, several of the officials spoke before those in attendance.

Turner said this was the end of result of years of planning and cooperation between ASU, the Town of Boone, Watauga County and the N.C. Department of Transportation. He noted that public transportation is “universal [and bipartisan] need.” 

Tata noted the more than 1.6 million passenger trips that AppalCART recorded in the 2012-13 fiscal year and the environmental benefits of public transportation. He also said that AppalCART is the “premiere transit system” in a state that features nearly 100 transit systems.

Clawson referred to the student population and potential traffic that would occur in Boone if the AppalCART didn’t exist for the nearly 17,000 students.

“If they had no AppalCART to ride on, what in the world would we do?” Clawson asked.

Moretz, who has been on the board for at least 15 years, received an award of appreciation, as he will no longer serve on the board in the near future. His comments echoed Clawson’s.

He noted that there would be 4,000 to 5,000 more cars in Boone looking for parking spaces and clogging the streets. “What a mess it would be,” Moretz said.

In his closing statements, Turner took to the podium again to mention some of the struggles associated with the original contractor and Mutual Liberty, the bonding company, taking over the project.

“The best thing they ever did was hire Greene Construction,” Turner said.

Primary funding for the building construction was through American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009. NCDOT contributed $300,000 direct aid and $500,000 in planning help. AppalCART used $110,000 of its capital fund balance to contribute a 10 percent match towards the land acquisition.

Building Facts:

  • 8.18 Acres Cost $1.1 Million in 2004
  • Architects: David Moses of Linville and Bill Clarke of Columbia, S.C.
  • Project Manager Patrick Belville of Boone
  • General Contractors: Greene Construction and McCarrol Construction
  • Bonded by Liberty Mutual Surety
  • Building Size: 23,000 square feet
  • Shop: 15,000 square feet
  • Washbay: 1,414 square feet
  • Garage Doors: 12
  • Fleet Parking Canopy Spaces: 30 buses and 17 vans
  • 53 Non-fleet parking spaces
  • 10 offices downstairs in 6,045 square feet
  • Conference Room: 1,200 square feet
  • Building Cost: $5.5 Million approximately
  • Green Building Features: passive solar design, rain-collection system, foam insulation, motion detector lights inside, infrared activated faucets in bathrooms, natural lighting in shop. 
Keith Lambert and Willie Baucom stand in front of the clay mural they crafted that is inside of the new AppalCART facility off of N.C. 105 Bypass. Photo by Jesse Wood
Keith Lambert and Willie Baucom stand in front of the clay mural they crafted that is inside of the new AppalCART facility off of N.C. 105 Bypass. Photo by Jesse Wood


AppalCART Transportation Director gives Board Chair Jerry Moretz an award of appreciation for his service. Photo by Jesse Wood
AppalCART Transportation Director gives Board Chair Jerry Moretz an award of appreciation for his service. Photo by Jesse Wood


AppalCART Transportation Director Chris Turner introduces NCDOT Secretary Tony Tata with a handshake. Photo by Jesse Wood
AppalCART Transportation Director Chris Turner introduces NCDOT Secretary Tony Tata with a handshake. Photo by Jesse Wood


Some of the employees of AppalCART stand in the corner during celebration. Photo by Jesse Wood
Some of the employees of AppalCART stand in the corner during celebration. Photo by Jesse Wood


(Left to right) AppalCART Transportation Director Chris Turner, Boone Town Council Member Andy Ball, Boone Mayor Loretta Clawson, NCDOT Secretary Tony Tata, AppalCART Board Chair Jerry Moretz, AppalCART Board Member Angie Boitnott, and ASU Vice Chancellor of Business Affairs Greg Lovins participate in the ribbon cutting. Photo by Jesse Wood
(Left to right) AppalCART Transportation Director Chris Turner, Boone Town Council Member Andy Ball, Boone Mayor Loretta Clawson, NCDOT Secretary Tony Tata, AppalCART Board Chair Jerry Moretz, AppalCART Board Member Angie Boitnotte, and ASU Vice Chancellor of Business Affairs Greg Lovins participate in the ribbon cutting. Photo by Jesse Wood


NCDOT Secretary Tony Tata speaks before the crowd. Photo by Jesse Wood
NCDOT Secretary Tony Tata speaks before the crowd. Photo by Jesse Wood


The new facility off of N.C. 105 Bypass. Photo by Jesse Wood
The new facility off of N.C. 105 Bypass. Photo by Jesse Wood


AppalCART Transportation Director Chris Turner speaks to NCDOT Secretary Tony Tata. Photo by Jesse Wood
AppalCART Transportation Director Chris Turner speaks to NCDOT Secretary Tony Tata. Photo by Jesse Wood


(Left to right) AppalCART Transportation Director Chris Turner, Boone Town Council Member Andy Ball, Boone Mayor Loretta Clawson, NCDOT Secretary Tony Tata, AppalCART Board Chair Jerry Moretz, AppalCART Board Member Angie Boitnott, and ASU Vice Chancellor of Business Affairs Greg Lovins participate in the ribbon cutting. Photo by Jesse Wood
(Left to right) AppalCART Transportation Director Chris Turner, Boone Town Council Member Andy Ball, Boone Mayor Loretta Clawson, NCDOT Secretary Tony Tata, AppalCART Board Chair Jerry Moretz, AppalCART Board Member Angie Boitnotte, and ASU Vice Chancellor of Business Affairs Greg Lovins participate in the ribbon cutting. Photo by Jesse Wood


The crowd mingles at the ribbon cutting ceremony. Photo by Jesse Wood
The crowd mingles at the ribbon cutting ceremony. Photo by Jesse Wood


Michelle Brewer, an AppalCART trainer, cuts the cake. Photo by Jesse Wood
Michelle Brewer, an AppalCART trainer, cuts the cake. Photo by Jesse Wood


NCDOT Secretary Tony Tata cuts the cake. Photo by Jesse Wood
NCDOT Secretary Tony Tata cuts the cake. Photo by Jesse Wood


A cake celebrating the new facility. Photo by Jesse Wood
A cake celebrating the new facility. Photo by Jesse Wood


The crowd before the ribbon cutting waits in the lobby of the new AppalCART facility. Photo by Jesse Wood
The crowd before the ribbon cutting waits in the lobby of the new AppalCART facility. Photo by Jesse Wood


Boone Mayor Loretta Clawson speaks at the ribbon cutting event. Those four fingers represent the four months before she retires from the mayor's post. Photo by Jesse Wood
Boone Mayor Loretta Clawson speaks at the ribbon cutting event. Those four fingers represent the four months before she retires from the mayor’s post. Photo by Jesse Wood


AppalCART Board of Authority Chair Jerry Moretz speaks before the crowd at the ribbon cutting. Photo by Jesse Wood
AppalCART Board of Authority Chair Jerry Moretz speaks before the crowd at the ribbon cutting. Photo by Jesse Wood


AppalCART Transportation Director gives Board Chair Jerry Moretz an award of appreciation for his service. Photo by Jesse Wood
AppalCART Transportation Director gives Board Chair Jerry Moretz an award of appreciation for his service. Photo by Jesse Wood