Well Known Bible Teacher, Motivator and Author Beth Moore Coming to Boone March 9-10


By Sherrie Norris

What do Seattle, Ft. Lauderdale, Green Bay and Boone have in common? If you are a fan of one of the country’s most respected and well-loved Bible teachers, motivational speakers and best-selling authors, Beth Moore, then you might know these are all stops on her 2018 tour.

Yes, Beth Moore’s Living Proof Live event is coming to Boone on Friday and Saturday, March 9-10, for what promises to be a life-changing, energetic back-to-the Bible event for thousands of area women (and men) who follow her teaching.

Casey Gragg

In 2008, Moore and her team came to Boone as they celebrated 10 years in ministry, welcomed warmly by a near sold-out crowd at the George M. Holmes Convocation Center; their upcoming visit will mark their 20th anniversary and LifeWay is predicting a sell-out crowd, as currently about 6,000 tickets have already been sold in the 8,400-seat arena.

Moore needs little or no introduction to millions of people, women in particular, across the United States and in several other countries; her reception in the High Country, however, might have something to do with the fact that her worship leader is Boone native, award winning singer/songwriter and author, Travis Cottrell.

Cottrell, who for nearly two decades has served as worship leader at Moore’s conferences, considers it a joy to “come home again” and loves to tell people, “Boone is where God gets his mail.”

Cottrell, who has joined Moore in ministering to millions of people in all 50 states and several other countries, also serves as the worship pastor at Englewood Baptist Church in Jackson, Tenn. He has recorded several solo projects, one of which received a coveted Dove award.

Cottrell’s niece, Casey Gragg, worship leader at The Rock in Boone, is coordinating the Boone event and can hardly contain her excitement for the opportunity.

“LIfeWay contacted me last summer about coming on board and helping them organize on the hometown side,” said Gragg. “They brought me to Nashville for a week of training with other city coordinators from around the nation. It was a really neat experience and helped me return home with all the materials and excitement I needed for putting together a team of passionate, creative and energetic women from different backgrounds, churches and denominations.”

That team today includes:

  • Betsy Bolick in charge of church connections
  • Kelly Augustine- prayer ministry
  • Tiffany Christian- promotions
  • Pangshua Riley – You Lead, a leadership training two days before the event for any woman who leads in any capacity – whether in her church, home, job, etc.
  • Allision Idol, hospitality for the Living Proof Team
  • Emily Greene and Janet Belden, organizing volunteers.

‘It has just been awesome to see this all come together,” said Gragg. “There is nothing that I could have done on my own to stand in this role, but it’s all about everything that God has provided. It’s just amazing to think about, realizing that you are not equipped to do something, then the Lord almost pushes you out of your comfort zone, equips you and gives you everything you need – including the people to work with you, all to accomplish his purpose.”

Gragg has also received a lot of support from the LifeWay organization, she said.

“It’s such a joy and an honor to see a movement like this come to Boone and know it can be a life-changing event for women of this area,” she added.

Moore is easily recognized as a speaker and author of best-selling Bible studies and other women’s books. She is described by the Nashville-based Lifeway headquarters as “a woman of purpose, preparation, prayer and passion . . . apparent in everything she does, from her involvement at Bayou City Church to speaking to the thousands of women who attend her Living Proof conferences each year.”

It is no secret that Moore’s life-transforming Bible study challenges and inspires women of every age, everywhere. Her focus is always on the scripture that God lays on her heart for each individual Living Proof Live event, with no two the same.

“We want women to experience Beth’s powerful biblical teaching and leave with a renewed sense of calling, purpose and love for Christ,” said Gragg, who added that the event will encourage, challenge and change individuals through prayer, scripture, humor, music and more.

Gragg added that Moore and her team have an especially deep concern for the younger generation. “LifeWay is offering an awesome opportunity for young women, especially college students, for two to be admitted with one ticket. While the event is being held during spring break at App State, we hope and believe that some of the young women will stay in Boone and join us.”

Doors open on Friday evening at 5:30 p.m.; event begins at 7:00 p.m. and concludes at 9:30 p.m. Doors open on Saturday morning at 7:30 am. Event begins at 8:30 a.m. and concludes at 12:15 p.m.

Tickets are $79 or $59 when 10 more are purchased in the same transaction. A limited number of scholarship opportunities are available.

The George M. Holmes Convocation Center is located at 111 Rivers Street in Boone.

For tickets, registration and more information, visit http://blog.lifeway.com/womenallaccess/events/