The following information is provided by local law enforcement agencies.
All suspects are innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.
Compiled by Katie Benfield

The following were provided by the Watauga County Sheriff’s Office.
May 21
INCIDENT: Larceny from motor vehicle, resist public officer and probation violation were reported at 272 Mabel School Rd. in Zionville.ARREST: A female suspect, 24, of 272 Mabel School Rd. in Zionville, was charged with felony probation violation and misdemeanor resisting public officer. Secured bond: $25,500. Trial date: June 16.
May 22
ARREST: A male suspect, 55, of 134 Miller Dr. in Boone, was charged with injury to personal property. Secured bond: $1000. Trial date: July 21.
May 23
INCIDENT: Drug violations was reported at 100 Dale Adams Rd. in Sugar Grove.
INCIDENT: Criminal damage to property (vandalism) was reported at 144 Frank Lewis Rd. in Boone.
ARREST: A male suspect, 28, of 1550 Stoney Brook Ln. in Boone, was charged with simple physical assault. Secured bond: $1000. Trial date: July 18.
ARREST: A female suspect, 18, of Boone, was charged with failure to appear. Secured bond: $8000. Trial date: June 27.
ARREST: A male suspect, 37, of 198 Max Mett Rd. in Johnson City, TN, was charged with drug violations – equipment/paraphernalia and felony PWIMSD methamphetamine. Secured bond: $20,000. Trial date: July 18.
ARREST: A male suspect, 35, of 272 Mabel School Rd. in Zionville, was charged with felony drug violations – equipment/paraphernalia. Secured bond: $20,000. Trial date: July 18.
ARREST: A male suspect, 35, of 272 Mabel School Rd. in Zionville, was charged with misdemeanor larceny, felony breaking and entering/motor vehicle and misdemeanor injury to personal property. Secured bond: $10,000. Trial date: July 18.
May 24
INCIDENT: Calls for service was reported at Martin Lane in Boone.
INCIDENT: Fraud – all other fraud was reported at 180 Mountainside Ln. in Boone.
INCIDENT: Communicating threats was reported at 111 Paul Critcher Dr. in Boone.
INCIDENT: Drug violations – equipment/paraphernalia was reported at 618 Greer Ln., Apt 1, in Vilas.
INCIDENT: Burglary – forcible entry and simple physical assault were reported at 206 Martin Ln. in Boone.
ARREST: A female suspect, 25, of 8507 Three Top Rd. in Todd, was charged with felony drug violations – equipment/paraphernalia. Secured bond: $20,000. Trial date: July 18.
ARREST: A male suspect, 20, of 206 Martin Ln. in Boone, was charged with felony assault by strangulation and misdemeanor interfere with emergency communication. No bond.
ARREST: A male suspect, 33, of 1243 Joe Shoemaker Rd. in Vilas, was charged with OFA/ non-support. Other bond: $1,500. Trial date: May 30.
ARREST: A female suspect, 26, of 6001 Highway 67, Lot 9, in Mountain City, TN, was charged with felony trafficking opium or heroin. Secured bond: $25,000. Trial date: July 18.
ARREST: A male suspect, 29, of 789 Whispering Hills, Apt. 209, in Boone, was charged with injury to real property. Trial date: July 21.
ARREST: A male suspect, 35, of 272 Mabel School Rd. in Zionville, was charged with resisting public officer. Secured bond: $1000. Trial date: July 18.
ARREST: A male suspect, 34, of 449 Timber Ridge Rd. in Sugar Grove, was charged with failure to appear/civil OFA. Secured bond: $657. Trial date: June 1.
ARREST: A male suspect, 23, of 271 North Woods Rd. in Boone, was charged with injury to personal property and OFA failure to pay. Secured bond: $3,790. Trial date: July 18.
May 25
INCIDENT: Calls for service was reported at 134 Morris St., Unit 2, in Blowing Rock.
INCIDENT: Calls for service was reported at 420 Locust Hill Rd. in Boone.
INCIDENT: Calls for service was reported at 3869 NC Highway 105 S. in Boone.
ARREST: A male suspect, 30, of 146 Parkway Forest Rd. in Boone, was charged with assault on a female. No bond. Trial date: July 18.
May 26
INCIDENT: Burglary – forcible entry, larceny – all other larceny and criminal damage to property (vandalism) were reported at 6108 Howards Creek Rd. in Boone.
INCIDENT: Damage to property was reported at 10675 NC Highway 105 S. in Banner Elk.
INCIDENT: Communicating threats and simple assault – all other simple assault were reported at 703 Middle Fork Rd. in Blowing Rock.
INCIDENT: Missing person was reported at 703 Middle Fork Rd. in Blowing Rock.
INCIDENT: Larceny from a motor vehicle was reported at 134 Beck Ct. in Boone.
INCIDENT: Larceny from buildings and burglary – forcible entry were reported at 235 Monteagle Dr. in Boone.
INCIDENT: Drug violations – equipment/paraphernalia, possession of marijuana up to ½ oz and all traffic (except DWI)/ DWLR were reported at 100 Den Mac Dr. in Boone.
ARREST: A male suspect, 28, of 187 Phoenix Complex in Boone, was charged with drug violations possess sch VI. Secured bond: $1000. Trial date: July 18.
ARREST: A male suspect, 27, of 411 Mount Paddy Rd. in West Jefferson was charged with resist public officer and possess sch III CS. Secured bond: $750. Trial date: July 18.
May 27
INCIDENT: Breaking and entering and larceny – all other larceny was reported at 1496 Winklers Creek Rd. in Boone.
INCIDENT: Domestic violence was reported at Honey Bear Campground in Boone.
INCIDENT: Calls for service was reported at 2733 Laurel Creek Rd. in Boone.
INCIDENT: Unattended death was reported at 402 Stone Mountain Rd. in Vilas.
May 28
INCIDENT: DWI – alcohol and/or drugs was reported at 2210 Highway 421 N in Boone.
INCIDENT: Damage to property was reported at 3005 Shulls Mill Rd. in Boone.
INCIDENT: Possession of marijuana drug paraphernalia and simple possession of schedule IV was reported at 237 Bloomfield Dr., Apt. 4, in Blowing Rock.
INCIDENT: DWI – alcohol and/or drugs was reported at 4468 US Highway 421 N. in Vilas.
ARREST: A female suspect, 35, of 168 Julius Dr. in Zionville, was charged with DWI – alcohol and/or drugs. Trial date: July 21.
ARREST: A male suspect, 23, of 237 Bloomfield Dr. in Blowing Rock, was charged with contempt of court/perjury/court violations, simple possession of sch VI and possession of marijuana paraphernalia. Secured bond: $500. Trial date: July 18.
ARREST: A male suspect, 21, of 100 Charlotte Ann Ln. in Boone, was charged with DWI – alcohol and/or drugs.
May 29
INCIDENT: Calls for service was reported at 805 Roby Greene Rd. in Boone.
INCIDENT: Unauthorized use of a motor vehicle was reported at 140 Barnes Rd. in Sugar Grove.
INCIDENT: Calls for service was reported at 1077 River Rd. in Todd.
INCIDENT: Simple physical assault was reported at 6488 US Highway 421 N. in Vilas.
INCIDENT: Criminal damage to property (vandalism) was reported at 1438 Goforth Rd. in Blowing Rock.
INCIDENT: Simple physical assault was reported at 108 Warren Lane in Vilas.
INCIDENT: Criminal damage to property (vandalism) was reported at 113 Ridge Point Dr. in Boone.
ARREST: A male suspect, 28, of 3 Horse Bottom Rd. in Banner Elk, was charged with felony burglary – forcible entry and felony larceny – from buildings. Secured bond: $75,000.
ARREST: A male suspect, 28, of 140 Barnes Rd. in Sugar Grove, was charged with driving while license revoked and open container. Trial date: July 21.
ARREST: A female suspect, 42, of 311 Feuders Hill Rd. in Vilas, was charged with parole and probation violations. Secured bond: $5,000. Trial date: July 20.
May 30
ARREST: A male suspect, 37, of 1110 Cook Rd., Apt. 21, in Gibsonville, was charged with DWI – alcohol and/or drugs. Trial date: July 21.
ARREST: A male suspect, 19, of 136 Woodland Hollow in Forest City, was charged with FTA drug paraphernalia. Secured bond: $500. Trial date: July 18.

The following were provided by the Boone Police Department.
May 22
INCIDENT: Communicating threats was reported at 556 Winklers Creek Rd. in Boone.INCIDENT: Larceny from motor vehicle was reported at 926 Appalachian Dr. in Boone.
INCIDENT: Solicit child by computer and appear was reported at 1180 Blowing Rock Rd. in Boone.
INCIDENT: Counterfeiting – buying/selling was reported at 1855 Blowing Rock Rd. in Boone.
INCIDENT: Fraud – obtaining money/property by false pretense was reported at 165 Robin Lane, Apt. 312, in Boone.
INCIDENT: Possession weapons on campus was reported at 300 Go Pioneers Dr. in Boone.
ARREST: A male suspect, 22, of 455 Willowdale Church Rd. in Boone, was charged with resisting public officer and assault government official/employee. Secured bond: $3000. Trial date: Unknown.
May 23
INCIDENT: Burglary –non-forced entry and larceny from a motor vehicle was reported at 900 Appalachian Dr. in Boone.
INCIDENT: Larceny – shoplifting was reported at 200 Watauga Village Dr. in Boone.
INCIDENT: Larceny – shoplifting was reported at 630 W. King St. in Boone.
INCIDENT: Criminal damage to property (vandalism) was reported at 2748 Highway 105, Room 24, in Boone.
ARREST: A male suspect, 21, of 2557 Sink Valley Rd. in Butler, was charged with solicit child by computer and appear. Secured bond: $40,000. Trial date: July 18.
ARREST: A male suspect, 24, of 359 Old E. King St., Apt. 406, in Boone, was charged with second degree trespassing. Secured bond: $500. Trial date: July 18.
ARREST: A male suspect, 27, of Boone, was charged with protective order violation. No bond. Trial date: July 18.
ARREST: A female suspect, 22, of 30 Beech St. in Linville, was charged with drug violations – equipment/paraphernalia – possessing/concealing, simple possession of schedule VI and DWI – alcohol and/or drugs. Trial date: July 18.
May 24
INCIDENT: Aid and abet larceny, concealment of merchandise and larceny were reported at 2575 Highway 105, Suite 80, in Boone.
INCIDENT: Possession of drug paraphernalia, possess methamphetamine and resist, obstruct and delay were reported at 2240 Blowing Rock Rd. in Boone.
ARREST: A male suspect, 44, of 1682 Laurel Fork Rd. in Vilas, was charged with trespassing. Secured bond: $500. Trial date: July 18.
ARREST: A female suspect, 42, of 320 St. Thomas St. in Waycross, was charged with resist, obstruct, delay, possess drug paraphernalia and possess methamphetamine. Secured bond: $4,500. Trial date: July 18.
ARREST: A male suspect, 43, of 169 Village Square Ln., Apt. 23, in Mountain City, TN, was charged with failure to appear. Secured bond: $1050. Trial date: June 22.
May 25
INCIDENT: Fraud – credit card was reported at 7337 Harmon Ln. in Boone.
ARREST: A male suspect, 25, of 1804 Parkwood Ln. in Johnson City, TN, was charged with possess drug paraphernalia, careless and reckless driving, and DWI –d drugs. Trial date: July 18.
ARREST: A female suspect, 21, of 134 Coffey St., Apt. 3, in Boone was charged with failure to appear. Secured bond: $100. Trial date: June 29.
ARREST: A male suspect, 44, of 139 Patten Ln. in Boone, was charged with carrying a concealed weapon and going armed to the terror of the people. Secured bond: $500. Trial date: July 21.
May 26
ARREST: A male suspect, 31, of 130 Glory Dr. in Boone, was charged with FTA – Driving while impaired. Secured bond: $1000. Trial date: July 19.
ARREST: A male suspect, 27, of 295 Orchard Creek Rd. in Deep Gap, was charged with FTA – DWLR not impaired rev. Secured bond: $500. Trial date: July 18.
ARREST: A female suspect, 18, of 234 Mary’s Lane in Ferguson, was charged with aggravated assault, injury to real property and communicating threats. Secured bond: $500. Trial date: July 18.
May 27
INCIDENT: Larceny of firearms was reported at 229 Cecil St. in Boone.
INCIDENT: Felony flee/elude, habitual DUI and resisting public officer were reported on Highway 105 in Boone.
ARREST: A male suspect, 21, of 4526 Valley Farm Rd. in Denton, was charged with DWI – alcohol and/or drugs. Secured bond: $1000. Trial date: July 21.
ARREST: A male suspect, 29, of 811 Market St. in Wilmington, was charged with resisting public officer, felony flee/elude and habitual impaired driving. Secured bond: $20,000. Trial date: July 21.
May 28
INCIDENT: Criminal damage to property (vandalism) was reported at 850 Blowing Rock Rd. in Boone.
ARREST: A male suspect, 38, of 29 Hardin St., #B, in Beaufort, was charged with DWI. Trial date: July 21.
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