The following information is provided by local law enforcement agencies.
All suspects are innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.
Compiled by Nathan Ham

The following was provided by the Watauga County Sheriff’s Office.
- April 19
- ARREST: A male suspect, 31, of 123 Arnold Road, Boone, was charged with possession of a stolen motor vehicle and being a fugitive from justice. Secured bond: $110,000. Court date: May 25.
- ARREST: A male suspect, 28, of 126 Greer Briar Road, Boone, was brought in on an outstanding warrant. He was released on a written promise to appear. Court date: May 7.
- ARREST: A male suspect, 24, of 104 Woodridge Road, Banner Elk, was charged with felony assault by strangulation. Secured bond: $1,500. Court date: May 26.
- ARREST: A male suspect, 43, of 2455 Linville Creek Road, Vilas, was charged with driving while impaired and carrying a concealed weapon after consuming alcohol. He was released on a written promise to appear. Court date: May 25.
- April 20
- INCIDENT: A call for service was reported at 130 Turkey Knob, Boone.
- ARREST: A male suspect, 31, of 145B East Cove Lane, Boone, was charged with assault on a female, interfering with emergency communication and injury to personal property. He was held without bond. Court date: May 25.
- April 21
- INCIDENT: An unattended death was reported at 4076 Beaver Dam Road, Vilas.
- INCIDENT: Fraud was reported at RD’s Mercantile and Gas, 9258 Highway 421 North, Vilas.
- INCIDENT: Theft from a motor vehicle was reported at 305 Yuma Lane, Deep Gap. A catalytic converter was reported stolen.
- ARREST: A male suspect, 31, of 251 Hampton Glad Road, Blowing Rock, was charged with breaking and entering and injury to personal property. Secured bond: $1,000. Court date: May 28.
- April 22
- INCIDENT: A call for service for an unresponsive individual was reported at 111 Pineberry Lane, Boone.
- INCIDENT: Larceny was reported at 202 Willow Mountain Drive, Vilas. Eight bottles of wine, a bottle of tequila, a bottle of whiskey, an Xbox 1 and two door locks were reported stolen. A yard chair was broken and burned.
- INCIDENT: Larceny of a firearm was reported at 388 Vannoy Lane, Boone. A Taurus PT740 was reported stolen.
- INCIDENT: Larceny of a trailer was reported at Grandfather Campground, 125 Riverside Drive, Banner Elk. A Haulmark 6-foot by 12-foot trailer was reported stolen.
- INCIDENT: Larceny was reported at 424 Hickory Lane, Boone. $400 was reported stolen.
- April 24
- ARREST: A male suspect, 44, of 474 Hawthorne Road, Elkin, was charged with possession of methamphetamine and being an out-of-state fugitive. Secured bond: $35,000. Court date: June 30.
- ARREST: A male suspect, 24, of 234 Parsons Road, Wilkesboro, was charged with trafficking methamphetamine trafficking opium or heroin and possession with the intent to manufacture/sell/deliver a Schedule IV controlled substance. Secured bond: $69,000. Court date: May 28.
- April 25
- INCIDENT: Larceny was reported at Mystery Hill, 129 Mystery Hill Lane, Blowing Rock. An iPhone XR was reported stolen.
- ARREST: A male suspect, 23, of 513 19th Street NW, Hickory, was charged with violating a domestic violence protection order He was held without bond. Court date: June 18.
- ARREST: A male suspect, 24, of 3219 Lindsay Road, Raeford, North Carolina, was charged with resisting a public officer. He was released on a written promise to appear. Court date: June 30.
- April 19
- INCIDENT: Burglary/Breaking and entering was reported at Earth Fare, 178 W. King Street, Boone. Money was reported stolen.
- INCIDENT: Larceny was reported at Walmart, 200 Watauga Village Drive, Boone. Food was reported stolen.
- INCIDENT: Destruction/Damage/Vandalism of property was reported at 205 W. King Street, Boone.
- ARREST: A male suspect, 47, of 141 McCotter Boulevard, Havelock, North Carolina, was brought in on two outstanding warrants. Secured bond: $3,000. Court date: May 14.
- ARREST: A male suspect, 23, of 573 Brown Hollow Road, Creston, was charged with drug equipment violations and having an outstanding warrant. Secured bond: $11,000. Court date: May 17.
- ARREST: A female suspect, 40, of 210 Dunn Lane, Mountain City, was charged with drug/narcotic violations and larceny. Secured bond: $3,000. Court date: May 25.
- April 20
- INCIDENT: Destruction/Damage/Vandalism of property was reported at 386 Yosef Drive, Boone.
- INCIDENT: Larceny was reported at A2Z Tobacco & Vapes, 125 New Market Centre, Boone. A wallet, cash and credit cards were reported stolen.
- INCIDENT: Counterfeiting/Forgery was reported at Food Lion, 350 Watauga Village Drive, Boone.
- April 21
- INCIDENT: Shoplifting was reported at Circle K, 1996 Blowing Rock Road, Boone. A half-gallon of milk was reported stolen.
- April 23
- INCIDENT: Simple assault was reported at Rivers Street Ale House, 957 Rivers Street, Boone.
- ARREST: A female suspect, 48, of 120 Ted Little Drive, Taylorsville, was brought in on an outstanding warrant. Secured bond: $1,000. Court date: May 3.
- ARREST: A female suspect, 20, of 574 Fallview Lane, Unit 1, Boone, was charged with driving under the influence. She was released on a written promise to appear. Court date: May 28.
- April 24
- INCIDENT: Motor vehicle theft was reported at Speedway, 1256 Blowing Rock Road, Boone. A 2001 Honda Accord was reported stolen.
- INCIDENT: Larceny was reported at Wild Craft Eatery, 506 W. King Street, Boone. A backpack, coin purse, debit card, credit card, ASU student ID, NC Driver’s license, cash, various makeup items and a pair of leggings were reported stolen.
- ARREST: A male suspect, 32, of 5143 U.S. Highway 421, Vilas, was charged with credit card/ATM fraud. Secured bond: $10,000. Court date: May 28.
- April 25
- ARREST: A male suspect, 40, of 338 Brook Hollow Road, Boone, was brought in on an outstanding warrant. Secured bond: $5,000. Court date: May 3.
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