May 14, 2013. Courtesy of the Blowing Rock Police Department, here is the weekly “Brief Sheet,” compiled by Capt. Aaron Miller on Tuesday, May 14.
During the month of May, the Governor’s Highway Safety Program is emphasizing motorcycle safety. Blowing Rock Police Department’s GHSP liaison Matt Royal reported on a study by the Governor’s Highway Safety Association which shows a direct correlation between increase fuel prices, increased motorcycle registrations and increased motorcycle fatalities. During times of high fuel prices more motorists chose a motorcycle as their mode of transportation. More motorcycle riders equal more motorcycle fatalities.
Royal noted that helmets are by far the single most effective method to prevent motorcyclist fatalities and injuries. Helmets are 37 percent effective in preventing fatal injuries to riders. Additionally 29 percent of fatal motorcycle crashes involved alcohol and 35 percent involved excessive speed.
Whether you ride a motorcycle for pleasure or as primary transportation make sure you always wear an approved helmet. And as a friend of mine would say “it’s not just a good idea, it’s the law!”
One DWI arrest and several citations were issued at a traffic check point on Saturday night. Blue Ridge Parkway Rangers coordinated the check point at the intersection of the Parkway and Highway 221 at Sandy Flat. Officers from Blowing Rock Police Department as well as the State Highway Patrol and Watauga County Sheriff’s Office assisted in the operation.
Bobby Howard Bryant, 49, of Blowing Rock was arrested following a disturbance call on Valley Blvd on May 11. Bryant was arrested after officers discovered that there was an outstanding warrant failure to appear in court. Bryant was held in the Watauga County Jail on a $500 secured bond.
Daniel Ray Davis, 36, of Elkin NC was arrested on May 13 on an order for arrest following a traffic stop. Davis was held at the Watauga County Jail on a $287 bond.
Ten citations were issued last week. The charges include no insurance, speeding and no operator’s license.
One traffic accident was reported last week. On May 10 at 5:23 a 2008 Toyota driven by Cameron Faye Kallianos was preparing to make a left turn off of Valley Blvd. when a 2007 Ford driven by Lindsey Hahn struck the vehicle from behind. No injuries were reported and damage was listed as minor.
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