The Winterfest 2018 Series: Blowing Rock’s WinterFest Events at the Green Park Inn this Friday and Saturday

Photo By Tommy White

Winter enthusiasts are traveling to the High Country this weekend in celebration of Blowing Rock’s Annual Winterfest, which takes place this Thursday Jan. 25- Sunday Jan. 28. The Green Park Inn, a member of Historic Hotels of America, welcomes guests to stay, dine and join in celebration of Winterfest’s finer festivities. The Green Park Inn is serving as an event host for the Jazz at Winterfest on Friday and Saturday. For those who desire shopping opportunities, The Green Park Inn will host Wintertastings and Auction at The Green Park Inn on Saturday Jan. 27.

Detailed event information can be found below:

Friday Jan. 26

Jazz at Winterfest at The Green Park Inn, featuring the Todd Wright Quartet, will take place in the Chestnut Grille Dinner  with seatings from 6 p.m.- 9 p.m., and music from 6:30 p.m.-9:30 p.m. There is no cover charge or minimum purchase required to attend, however dinner reservations are required. Dining and beverage opportunities are available in the Chestnut Grille restaurant.

Saturday Jan. 27

WinterTastings and Auction at The Green Park Inn will begin with tastings of wine and other libations beginning immediately at 3 p.m. Following the tasting, the auction will begin at 5 p.m. Auction items will include baskets, lodging, tickets to attractions, wine and more! The event will cost $30.00 to attend. All participants are asked to bring an ID and are required to be at least 21 years of age.

The proceeds are donated to Task Force Dagger Foundation and the Blowing Rock Rotary Club’s Altzheimer’s research outreach fund. For more information about the Task Force Dagger Foundation please visit For more information about the Blowing Rock Rotary Club’s Alzheimer’s research outreach fun please visit

Jazz at Winterfest at The Green Park Inn will take place with dinner seatings from 6 p.m.-9 p.m., and music from 6:30 p.m.-9:30 p.m. The Todd Wright Quartet will perform in the Chestnut Grille. Seating is limited and only available with a restaurant reservation. Make your reservations today to ensure that your party can attend Jazz at Winterfest.

The Green Park Inn was opened in 1891 and was added to the National Register of Historic Places in 1982. The Green Park Inn is the second oldest resort hotel in North Carolina, and serves as the last of Western North Carolina’s Grand Manor Hotels.

The hotel has served notable guests including Annie Oakley, J.D. Rockefeller, Eleanor Roosevelt, Calvin Coolidge, Herbert Hoover and Margaret Mitchell.

For those who are in need to lodging, the Green Park Inn is offering the WinterFest Package. The Winterfest Package includes a two night stay and tickets to the Grand Wine Tasting. Room rates begin at $126 per night assuming double occupancy. Guests will receive a 15 percent discount off of regular room rates for additional nights booked.

For additional event information or for lodging information please call the Green Park Inn at (828) 414-9230.

The Green Park Inn was opened in 1891 and was added to the National Register of Historic Places in 1982. The Green Park Inn is the second oldest resort hotel in North Carolina, and serves as the last of Western North Carolina’s Grand Manor Hotels.