In honor of the 50th anniversary of the N.C. Court System, Watauga County is hosting a local celebration on Sunday, Oct. 9.
1966 was the beginning of the District Court System as we know it today. Along with the District Court came the Unified Court System wherein all District Courts across the state worked under the same guidelines and the Administrative Office of the Courts was legislatively formed to help with the unification process.
In honor of the 50th anniversary of the “Unified Court System”, “District Courts”, and “the Administrative Office of the Courts”, the Watauga County Bar along with the Clerk of Court’s office will be hosting an open house at the Watauga County Courthouse (Courtroom # 1 on second floor) on Sunday, Oct. 9, 2016, from 2 to 5 p.m.
Oral history will be shared through exhibits, videos, and attorneys who practiced during the time of transition
The doors will open at 2:00 pm and light refreshments will be available. Some interesting old records will be on display so you can see how it “used to be” prior to 1966. Several special guest speakers will also be on hand to share information about the history of our courts.
The local celebration is hosted by the Watauga County Clerk of Superior Court and the Watauga County Bar Association.