*Press release from the Watauga NAACP
The Watauga branch of the NAACP, along with other branches and representatives from The North Carolina NAACP and Forward Together Moral Movement will hold a press conference on Friday, Feb. 3, 10 a.m. at St. Luke’s Episcopal Church in Boone.
The press conference will feature a statement from Rev. Dr. William J. Barber II, president of the North Carolina NAACP and the announcement of a free bus to Raleigh for any Appalachian State University student to the Moral March on Raleigh.
The 11th annual Moral March on Raleigh & HKonJ People’s Assembly on Saturday, Feb. 11, 2017 in Raleigh, NC. People will gather at 8:30 a.m. and the program will begin at 9 a.m.
The Moral March on Raleigh is an event led by Rev. Dr. Barber and the North Carolina NAACP in collaboration with over 200 social justice organizations, non-profits, faith centers, and members of the Divine Nine. Tens of thousands of people will come from across North Carolina and the country to attend this important event.
Additionally, the Watauga branch will be taking a separate bus to the Moral March and have invited anyone from Watauga, Ashe, Avery, and Wilkes counties to join them.
“We are proud to be participating in this historic march once again,” Watauga NAACP branch president Todd Carter said. “Our fifty-five seat coachliner will be leaving the morning of Feb. 11 from St. Luke’s and will return that evening. Seats are $40 each and reservation details are located on our Facebook page @WataugaNAACP.
This year, the Moral March on Raleigh will focus on five key themes:
Standing against the repeal of the life-saving Affordable Care Act, also known as Obamacare
Standing against the legislative tyranny of our extremist-led General Assembly
Standing against the racist and unconstitutional gerrymandering which undermines the vote of all North Carolinians
Standing against the anti-family, anti-worker, and anti-LGBTQ Hate Bill 2 which has been used to divide our communities through fear-mongering and political opportunism
Standing against the extremism and lies of Trumpism. They have undermined our Democracy and democratic institutions by making regressive federal appointments and inviting white nationalists into the White House. They have demonized our immigrant and Muslim brothers and sisters by building a wall on our Mexican border, pushing through an Executive Order which effectively bans many refugees and Muslims from our country and blaming Latinos for voter fraud that does not exist.
For more information, please contact Todd Carter, info@watauganaacp.org.
The following has more details on the march in Raleigh:
WHO: Watauga Branch of the NC NAACP & Appalachian Voices
WHAT: 11th Annual Moral March on Raleigh and HKonJ People’s Assembly
WHEN: Saturday, February 11th, 2017, Gather at 8:30 a.m.
WHERE: The Corner of Wilmington and South Streets Near Shaw University, 2 East South St. Raleigh, NC