The Watauga Literacy Association (WLA) is a non-profit organization providing literacy training for adults in Watauga County. Tutoring is provided free of charge by volunteer tutors.
On Saturday Sept. 19, WLA is supporting volunteer tutors at their annual meeting. Dr. Cate Smith (ASU Professor in Reading Education and Special Education) is conducting the program on Teaching Adults with Intellectual Disabilities to Read and Write. The workshop is from 9:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. at the Watauga County Public Library.
Adults with intellectual disabilities present unique challenges to adult literacy volunteers and service providers. In recent years there has been a substantial increase in understanding of these learning difficulties and how to address them. In this workshop, we will explore informal diagnostic assessments, instructional principles and practices, the use of technology and free technology resources for instructors working with this population.
I-Pads will be available for exploration by participants.
To register for the Sept. 19, 2015 workshop contact Norma Hash (828.297.7309) or Carol Deal (828.264.2931) via e-mail or phone by Sept. 17, 2015.