Watauga High School Celebrates Homecoming This Week; Football Game Against Fred T. Foard Friday

By Olivia Handley

Oct. 2, 2014. If you happen to visit Watauga High School over the next week, you may be in for some strange sights. The high school imgresstudents will be participating in WHS Homecoming Spirit Week, which includes 80’s Workout Day, America Day and the traditional Toga Day for seniors. For many students, this is an important part of senior year.

“Finally I’m at the top of the school… and I get to show it off by wearing a toga! ” said WHS senior Jasmine Jackson.

On Friday, Oct. 3, students will turn out to watch the homecoming football game against Fred T. Foard High School. At halftime, Homecoming Court will be announced, and the night will feature performances by the WHS cheerleaders and Pacer dance team who have prepared something extra special.

For even more family fun, the annual Homecoming Tailgate will be held in the Watauga High School parking lot from 5-7 p.m. before the game. The WHS Student Council will be selling Bandanas Barbecue and Menchies will provide frozen yogurt. Food tickets can be purchased online at the Watauga High School website, during lunch at Watauga High School or at the tailgate (while food lasts). Tickets are $8 per plate for adults and $6 for children under 12. Adam Church will provide music and various clubs will have games set up. It’s sure to be an exciting time so come out and show your pioneer pride!

The Homecoming Dance will be held on Saturday, Oct. 4, from 8-11 p.m. Tickets will be sold for $15 at lunches in the WHS cafeteria and will not be sold at the door. There will be free snacks and refreshments available for attendees and considering this year’s theme is “Candy Land”, it promises to be a sweet night!