By Nathan Ham
It was another beautiful weekend in the High Country with big crowds continuing to show up at the Watauga County Farmers’ Market.
“We have an abundance of green, leafy vegetables, beets and spring onions and you’re starting to see some of the summer crops creep in like tomatoes, squashes and zucchinis. There are always eggs and meats around vendors at the market,” said Matt Cooper, president of the Watauga County Farmers’ Market. “We’re having a great season and looks like we’ve got another sunny Saturday coming this season.”
The market is open from 8 a.m. until noon at Horn in the West each Saturday and offers great varieties of products all morning long.
Cooper wanted to thank the community for continuing to be loyal customers and coming to the market each week.
“We would not be successful without them,” he said.
Photos taken Saturday at the farmers’ market.

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