Watauga Democrats Announce 2018 Precinct Meetings

Below is an alphabetical list of 2018 Watauga County Democratic Party precinct meetings which begin on February 5 (Blue Ridge) and conclude on February 18 (Blowing Rock). Following the alphabetical list is a notation of which precincts are holding joint, combined meetings.

Precincts will be electing delegates to the County Convention on April 7, filling vacancies in their officer ranks, and considering resolutions for submission to the County Convention.

All Watauga County Democrats are urged to join the 2018 Blue Wave at the grassroots level. Get involved, stay involved, and take your involvement to the streets!


Bald Mountain

Tuesday, February 6, 7 p.m., Three Forks Baptist Association bldg., 513 Jefferson Rd. (Hwy 194), Boone. Contact Terry Cole: tcole@skybest.com


Beaver Dam

Tuesday, February 13, 6 p.m., Bethel Elementary School Media Center. Contact Billy Kennedy: billykennedyforwatauga@gmail.com


Blowing Rock

Sunday, February 18, 4 p.m., Blowing Rock American Legion Hall, 333 Wallingford Rd., Blowing Rock. Contact Lonnie Webster: lonnie@lonniewebster.com


Blue Ridge

Monday, February 5, 6 p.m., 1419 Deerfield Rd., Boone. Contact Chris Behrend: behrendc@gmail.com


Boone 1

Tuesday, February 6, 7 p.m., Boone Town Council Chambers, 1500 Blowing Rock Rd. Contact Jerry Hutchins: jerryrebeccahutchins@gmail.com


Boone 2

Tuesday, February 6, 7 p.m., Boone Town Council Chambers, 1500 Blowing Rock Rd. Contact Lee Franklin: arthurleefranklin@gmail.com


Brushy Fork

Tuesday, February 6, 7 p.m., Boone Town Council Chambers, 1500 Blowing Rock Rd. Contact Deborah Kirkley: d2kirkley@gmail.com


Cove Creek

Tuesday, February 13, 6 p.m., Western Watauga Community Center, 1081 Old US Hwy 421, Sugar Grove. Contact Kristin Hyle: kristinhyle@hotmail.com



Tuesday, February 6, 7 p.m., Three Forks Baptist Association bldg., 513 Jefferson Rd. (Hwy 194), Boone. Contact Maggie Sparks: mksparks@bellsouth.net


Laurel Creek

Tuesday, February 13, 6 p.m., Western Watauga Community Center, 1081 Old US Hwy 421, Sugar Grove. Contact kathleencampbell67@gmail.com


Meat Camp

Tuesday, February 6, 7 p.m., Three Forks Baptist Association bldg., 513 Jefferson Rd. (Hwy 194), Boone. Contact John Prickett: johnprickett222@gmail.com


New River 1

Tuesday, February 6, 7 p.m., Boone Town Council Chambers, 1500 Blowing Rock Rd. Contact Jamie Levine: levinejs@gmail.com


New River 2

Tuesday, February 6, 7 p.m., Three Forks Baptist Association bldg., 513 Jefferson Rd. (Hwy 194), Boone. Contact Lee Stroupe: lstroupe@gmail.com


New River 3

Tuesday, February 6, 7 p.m., Three Forks Baptist Association bldg., 513 Jefferson Rd. (Hwy 194), Boone. Contact Charlotte Mizelle: csmizelle@gmail.com


Stony Fork

Tuesday, February 6, 7 p.m., Three Forks Baptist Association bldg., 513 Jefferson Rd. (Hwy 194), Boone. Contact Shelton Wilder: esheltonwilder@gmail.com



Tuesday, February 13, 6 p.m., Western Watauga Community Center, 1081 Old US Hwy 421, Sugar Grove. Contact Kinney Baughman: baughmankr@gmail.com