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Watauga County Voting Fact Sheet

The following is a release from the Watauga County Board of Elections office.


Voter Registration Deadline:
October 14

Vote by Mail:
Anyone can. Fill out an Absentee Ballot request form and we’ll mail a ballot to your house. No reason needed. Requests must be received by November 1st.

One Stop early voting:
October 20 – November 5. Same Day Registration is available. See our website for locations, dates, and times. Same Day registrants will need to provide proof of their voting residence by presenting any of the following valid documents that show your current residence address: a North Carolina driver’s license; a photo ID from a government agency; or a current bill, bank statement, government check, paycheck, or other government document.
ASU students that live in on-campus housing will be sent an email by the University. This email is slated to be sent October 17 and will have the following Subject/Header: Proof of Campus Housing for Voter Registration and Voting. There will a short statement that should the student need this information to register they can provide the email notification to the election official. In the event that a student deletes the email (and discards it from their Deleted folder, that student will likely need to go to the Housing office located in the JET (John E. Thomas) Building

No Voter ID:
Voter ID is not required to vote in this election.
*First-time voters, who at the time of their initial voter registration did not provide their North Carolina driver license number or the last four digits of their social security number, or who provided a number that could not be validated, are required to show identification when they vote. This identification does not have to be a photo ID. The requirement for first-time voters to show identification is a requirement of the Help America Vote Act (HAVA) of 2002, a federal law not unique to North Carolina.

Acceptable forms of HAVA ID include:A current and valid photo identification; or • A copy of one of the following documents that show the name and address of the voter: a current utility bill, bank statement, government check, paycheck, or other government document.

Only 1 ballot:
No need to change parties to vote for a candidate, everyone gets the same ballot.

You must be registered in Watauga County:
In order to vote in Watauga County, you must be registered in Watauga County. If you’re registered in another county you will need to vote there or change your registration to Watauga County.

Same Day Registration Requirements:
Complete a voter registration form, including the attestation
requirement that the person meets each eligibility requirement.
Such attestation is signed under penalty of a Class I felony; and
Provide proof of residence by presenting any of the following valid
documents that show the person’s current name and current
residence address: a North Carolina drivers license, a photo
identification from a government agency, or any of the documents:
a current utility bill, bank statement, government check, paycheck,
or other government document.

Checking your registration status:
Are you registered to vote and where – go to https://vt.ncsbe.gov/voter_search_public/ and enter your information .

Where do you vote on election day?:
Go to – https://vt.ncsbe.gov/pollingplace_search/ .


The Watauga County Board of Elections