Watauga Schools Offering Limited Number of Tickets for Community To Hear Book Challenge Thursday

Feb. 25, 2014. The Watauga County Board of Education will hear the final appeal regarding the use of The House of the Spirits in a public meeting on Thursday, Feb. 27, but the meeting is not a hearing at which public comments will be heard.  Only the teacher in whose class the book is used and the parent who is appealing its use will make statements to the Board of Education. 

“We’re making this announcement in advance because we don’t want people to come expecting that they can address the Board of Education and then be disappointed when they find out otherwise,” said Superintendent Dr. David Fonseca. “Public comments were received at the February 10th Board meeting.  The purpose of this meeting is for Board members to hear directly from the teacher who uses the book and the parent who opposes its use.”

The meeting will be held at the Board of Education/Margaret Gragg Education Center on Thursday at 7:00 p.m.  Admission to the building will be limited through the use of tickets to ensure safe conditions for the appeal.  The tickets are free and will be available at the Board of Education with a limit of two tickets per person beginning at 4:30 p.m. this Thursday.  Doors to the building will open at 6:00 p.m.

The review process for hearing objections to books and other media used in the Watauga County Schools is governed by the Board of Education policy 4.02.40, “Selection and Use of Educational Media.”  This and any Board of Education policy is available under the WCS District link on the Watauga County Schools website (www.watauga.k12.nc.us) or on request from a school office. 

For more on the book challenge: