Watauga County Democratic Party Fall Rally Happening This Saturday at Appalachian State

By Nathan Ham

As the political season heats up with the 2018 Mid-Term Elections about a month away, the Watauga County Democrats are holding a rally on Saturday, October 6 starting at 5:30 p.m.

The event is being hosted by the Appalachian State University College Democrats and will feature a barbecue dinner in the Central Dining Hall. There will also be a vegetarian meal option available.

Guests are encouraged to take advantage of free parking available in the Rivers Street parking deck with an easy walk to the dining hall through the elevated walkway.

The two featured guests for the event will be N.C. Supreme Court candidate Anita Earls and Watergate Committee counsel Rufus Edmisten.

Earls is the keynote speaker and is a Yale Law School graduate that has spent 30 years advocating for fair ballot access and against gerrymandering of voting districts. Earls is also the founder of the Southern Coalition for Social Justice. She is facing two Republican challengers this November.

Edmisten is a Watauga County native who served as both Attorney General of North Carolina and as Secretary of State. He became a counsel to the Watergate investigation committee and served the first ever subpoena on the White House for the Nixon tapes.

There will also be other local candidates speaking at the rally.

Tickets for the event are $10 and can be purchased at the door or at the Watauga County Democrat Party headquarters located at 744 W. King Street in downtown Boone.