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Watauga County Communicable Disease Situation Update from Appalachian District Health Department

Please see attached for the latest Communicable Disease Situation Update Watauga County.

Melissa Bracey

Director of Communications & Compliance

Watauga County January 2024 CD Update

Cases reflected in Watauga County data are categorized by the reporting county, and have been updated to include both confirmed and probable cases. Confirmed and probable cases are classified based on case definitions for the respective disease according to the NC Communicable Disease Manual and as classified in the North Carolina Electronic Disease Surveillance System. Cases not reported include sensitive cases that may be identifiable due to low numbers and concerns for patient identity and privacy. Cases are categorized monthly based on their earliest date of their symptoms, or if unavailable or not relevant, their test date. Due to delays in reporting, data in recent months may be incomplete, and data in prior months may change as cases are reported. For further data on communicable diseases in NC counties by year, refer to the North Carolina Division of Public Health, North Carolina Disease Data Dashboard.