Watauga County Board of Education Recognize Billie Jo Lister and Andy Eggers on Monday

The Watauga County Board of Education recognized a couple individuals for their excellent work in the school system: Watauga County Schools After School Administrative Assistant Billie Jo Lister and Hardin Park teacher Andy Eggers.

Watauga County Schools After School Administrative Assistant Billie Jo Lister was this month's recipient of the Servant's Heart Award.
Watauga County Schools After School Administrative Assistant Billie Jo Lister was this month’s recipient of the Servant’s Heart Award. Here she is being acknowledged by the Watauga County Board of Education. 
WCS Superintendent Dr. Scott Elliott presents Lister with the Servant's Heart Award. Elliott thanked Lister for her hard work in the central office and her service to the system's Extended Learning Program.
WCS Superintendent Dr. Scott Elliott presents Lister with the Servant’s Heart Award. Elliott thanked Lister for her hard work in the central office and her service to the system’s Extended Learning Program.
WCS Director of Middle Grades Education Meredith Jones presented Hardin Park teacher Andy Eggers with a National Council of Teachers of Mathmatics Outstanding Secondary Math Teacher award. Jones said Eggers, who is in his 17th year of teaching, "holds high standards for his students, and goes above and beyond to help them understand math. He builds strong relationships with students and helps them grow in their learning. He is a dependable and supportive colleague, and it is truly a joy to work with him!"
WCS Director of Middle Grades Education Meredith Jones presented Hardin Park teacher Andy Eggers with a National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Outstanding Secondary Math Teacher award. Jones said Eggers, who is in his 17th year of teaching, “holds high standards for his students, and goes above and beyond to help them understand math. He builds strong relationships with students and helps them grow in their learning. He is a dependable and supportive colleague, and it is truly a joy to work with him!”