By Samantha Hudson
Sept. 13, 2012. The Watauga County Arts Council (WCAC) has been creating ways to sponsor local artists for the last 31 years and will be introducing their newest project this fall, a Christmas Card Competition, which they intend to make annual. This was one of the many ideas discussed by the development committee and was chosen because they hoped limited availability of the cards would encourage buyers interested in specialized cards for friends and family.
When asked if she felt the development committee might like to break off into other holidays Executive Director Cherry Johnson responded that she thought “they’d love that idea!”
Money raised through the sale of these cards will benefit the Arts Council which works to support local artists by getting their work out there in the community and providing them with resources and workshops as well as supporting educational art programs for the children of Watauga County. Their goal is to protect Appalachian artistry and to continue to encourage and educate the High Country community through art.
Jurors will be the members of the Watauga County Arts Council Development Committee. 25 entries will be selected by the jurors. From these 25 entries a final winner will be selected via a “People’s Choice” voting process to be held between Oct. 2 and Oct. 12. Images should be two-dimensional and the original work of the artist submitting them and should be created so that the integrity of the design will not be lost when the card is fit to its final size of 5.5 inches by 8.5 inches. The competition also stipulates that entires come only from part-time or full-time Watauga County residents.
“We really want to promote and encourage the local artists,” Johnson said.
A $25 fee for non WCAC members and a $15 fee for WCAC members per design will allow artists to submit their entries into the competition. Additionally, artists may submit as many entries as they wish.
Designs can be submitted to the WCAC by mail at P.O. Box 366, Boone, NC 28607. Entries may also be hand delivered to the WCAC office during regular business hours at the Appalachian Enterprise Center at 130 Poplar Grove Connector, Boone, or taken to the Watauga County Arts Council Gallery between the hours of 12 p.m. and 6 p.m. on Fridays and Saturdays or 3 p.m. and 6 p.m. on Sundays located at 783 W. King St., Boone. Designs should be submitted with payment and an entry form which can be found on the WCAC website or picked up at the WCAC Gallery. Payment can be made via cash, check, credit card or on the WCAC website via PayPal.
The deadline for entries is Friday, Sept. 28. There will be a people’s choice voting procedure allowing the public to vote from Oct. 2 to Oct. 12. The winning design will be exhibited at the Nov. 2 gallery opening at the WCAC Gallery. The winning entry will be put into production to be sold as Christmas Cards to benefit the Arts Council. Cash prizes and gift certificates will be awarded to the top three designs.
“This is something we hope will continue for a long time,” said Johnson.
For additional information, call the Watauga County Arts Council at 828-264-1789 or email
Other WCAC Deadlines:
- Regional Artist Project Grants are due on Sept. 14
- The Farm-City Photography Competition Entries are due on Sept. 24
- The Christmas Card Design Competition entries are due on Sept. 28
- Currently accepting work for the Gift Shop and Gallery Exhibition applications for 2013
Entry Form
Watauga County Arts Council
1st Annual Christmas Card Design Competition
Please Print or Type
Artist’s Name: ________________________________________________________________
Mailing Address: ______________________________________________________________
City & State:_____________________ Zip: ________________ Email: ___________
Phone: _________________________ Cell: _________________________
Name of Piece: ________________________________________________________________
Check One:
_____ $25.00 – I am not a current member of the WCAC
_____ $15.00 – I am a current member of the WCAC (membership expiration date ______)
Payment Submitted via: ________ Cash ________ Check ________PayPal (If Paid Online)
Please make checks payable to Watauga County Arts Council
Charge my: _____MasterCard ____ Visa _____Discover
Card # _________________________ Exp. Date ______ Name on Card ___________________________
I certify that (please initial each line):
______ This is my own original design.
______ I am a seasonal or full-time resident of Watauga or an adjoining county.
By entering this competition, I understand and agree that if my submitted design is selected as the final winning entry, I give the Watauga County Arts Council the rights to reproduce my design which will be sold as Christmas Cards and used in promotional materials. The monies raised from the sale of the Christmas cards will be the property of the Watauga County Arts Council.
_________________________________________________ _____________
Artist’s Signature Date
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