Watauga Commissioners To Meet on Tuesday

Compiled by Jesse Wood

Watauga County Board of Commissioners will meet on Tuesday, Sept. 6, at 8:30 a.m. for its regular monthly meeting at the Administration Building on King Street.

WCS Matters

Watauga County Schools Finance Director Ly Marze will request funds from the Capital Improvement Plan Reserve Fund ($486,500) and the Education Lottery Fund ($337,500). See a list of the projects below.

Also, WCS Supt. Scott Elliott will present a general update on school matters before the board.


Veteran’s Memorial Request

John Alley and George Brudzinski of the High Country Chapter of the Military Officers Association of America will request funds from Watauga County for the construction of a veteran’s memorial. The memorial’s proposed location is in downtown Boone, adjacent to Town Hall.

Groundbreaking for the project is expected in the spring. The fundraising campaign for the memorial is already in full swing and is estimated to conclude Nov. 1.

Food Hub Update

Ms. Carol Coulter, Blue Ridge Women in Agriculture (BRWIA), and Mr. Jim Hamilton,

Cooperative Extension Director, will provide an update on the Food Hub. The report is for information only; therefore, no action is required.

Planning Board Report on Mountain View Speedway

Planning Board Chairman Ric Mattar will update the Board regarding the review of the county’s Noise Ordinance. The Board requested the Planning Board consider the potential use of decibel meters in the enforcement of the ordinance. The Planning Board reviewed the Noise Ordinance and at this time is recommending no changes. Mr. Mattar will be present to answer questions from the commissioners and staff.

County Property for Sale

Watauga County Finance Director Margaret Pierce will request the commissioners approve the auctioning off of property that’s been foreclosed by the county because of unpaid taxes.

Brief descriptors of the property follow: Maggies Lane, Lot EE33 Mill Ridge, and Lot 15. The Board must declare the properties surplus and adopt a resolution to start the sale process. The minimum bid request for the properties will be the current expenses owed to the County.

Vehicle Bids

The commissioners will also approve vehicle bids for multiple departments.

View the entire agenda and meeting packet here.