Watauga, Avery Schools Close Monday After Initial Two-Hour Delays This Morning, ASU in Session

By Jesse Wood

Jan. 28, 2013. Watauga and Avery County Schools called off classes after initially calling for two-hour delays for Monday. 

Avery County Supt. David Burleson said in an announcement that the closings were “due to a fast moving ice storm” that definitely occurred on Monday morning. The main roads were fine, but some of the secondary roads were a slick mess. 

A spokesperson with Watauga County Schools couldn’t be reached as of yet Monday morning, but according to one parent on Facebook, her child was already on the bus by the time school was officially called off. 

ASU announced: “Classes will meet as scheduled today, Jan. 28. Spotty icing has been reported in some sections of the county. Individuals should use their own discretion about traveling to campus.”

With the temperatures already in the 50s in Boone, that ice is likely to melt today. The weather is expected to be hotter tomorrow with temperatures in the 60s. 

But in the meantime, today is great “snow day,” and just about all of the slopes at all three area ski resorts are open. 

Click here to read about the skiing/snowboarding conditions today: www.hcpress.com/sports/great-snow-day-for-kids-after-cold-week-of-snow-making-95-percent-of-high-country-slopes-open.html