The Watauga Amateur Radio Club, an affiliate with the American Amateur Radio Relay League, will be taking part in the National Field Day 2016. Field Day is a practice exercise setting up operations, as would happen during a local or national emergency, and communicating with other stations around the USA as well as other countries over shortwave and VHF radios.
We will be operating from Howard’s Knob, one of the High Country’s beautiful parks, and would like to invite to public to stop by and visit. Field Day communications will start at 2 p.m. on June 25; the park closes at 7:30 p.m. The park will reopen on Sunday at 8:30 a.m. in case you are not able to attend on Saturday. The Field Day period ends at 2 p.m. on Sunday, June 26.
For any new Radio Amateurs or those interested in Amateur Radio, we will have a Get On The Air Station (GOTA) to get your feet wet with a licensed station control operator. If you have been thinking of joining the ranks of being an Amateur Radio licensee, the Watauga Amateur Radio Club has a Volunteer Examiner Team for getting your license, and holds License Training Classes when there are enough interested people to conduct them. For further information, please visit www.wataugahamradio.net and www.arrl.org.

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