Oct. 20, 2014. The Boone Service League announces two upcoming fundraisers and opportunities to celebrate the season: holiday photos at Big Ridge Tree Farm and the annual Holiday Market at Watauga High School.
Holiday pictures will be taken by Emily Angle Photography on Saturday and Sunday, Nov. 8 and 9, at Big Ridge Tree Farm on George Eggers Road in the Foscoe area. A $60 package includes one 8-by-10, two 5-by-7s and eight wallets.
To make an appointment, contact Emily Wilson at wilsonem37@yahoo.com, (828) 964-0967 or (828) 386-1177.
The Boone Service League is currently seeking vendors for its annual Holiday Market on Saturday, Dec. 6, from 7:30 a.m. to 11 a.m. at Watauga High School — held in conjunction with the Watauga Education Foundation’s Flapjack Flip.
Interested vendors are welcome to apply for a space or to ask questions by emailing Susan Phipps at phippss@charter.net no later than Nov. 14. Vendor spaces are subject to availability and uniqueness of products.
The Boone Service League is a nonprofit organization that raises funds for emergency needs, projects, scholarships and charities throughout the High Country.
All funds raised by the Boone Service League remain in the High Country. Visit www.booneserviceleague.org for more information.
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