On Feb. 13, 2017 the Harper Corporation and Garney Construction Company, Inc. were provided with the Notice to Proceed on the Boone Water Line, Water Treatment Plant, Intake and Booster Pump Station Project. The following is a project update and notice of upcoming road closures. There are currently 455 days remaining in the project contracts.
The Harper Corporation
Work Completed in the Last 30 Days:
- Div 1 WTP
- Continuing of the twin 30in finish water lines between the clearwells
- Excavation for the new Finish Water Clearwell
- Storm water Management Pond #2 at New Clearwell
- Div 2 Intake
- Mobilized Div 2 Intake
- Surveying and Layout of LOD’s, access road, Intake Pump Station and infiltration gallery
- Installation of erosion control measures for box culvert
- Bypass piping around box culvert location
- Div 3 Booster Pump Station
- Surveying and Layout of LOD’s
30 Day Look Ahead
- Div 1 WTP
- Installation of the twin 30in Finish water lines between the clearwells
- Clearwell Underslab Piping
- 1in Sample Lines
- Outfall #3 at Backwash Tank
- Div 2 Intake
- Impervious Dikes
- Subgrade for P-1 Box Culvert
- Set P-1 Box Culvert and wing walls
- Div 3 Booster Pump Station
- Raise and Shield Power Lines
- Temporary Construction Entrance
- Installation of erosion control measures
- Begin excavation for building site
Garney Construction Company, Inc.
Crew 1. Brownwood road – Still moving along, Brownwood should have around 2000’ of pipe installed by the weeks end. Still keeping road closed as per discussions with NC DOT and town. Crews have gotten out of rock and are still importing material and hauling off unsuitable as needed. Crews have been able to shift alignment to save pavement; however have had to come back into pavement for short duration and are set to pave Friday or Monday. Erosion control has been set up in front and plan to seed this week to catch up to laying operation.
Crew 2 along 421. – Crews currently have one trenchless crossing complete and are working on the second under old US 421. Rock has been encountered as expected, which has slowed bore. Crews will try to finish bore this week so next week they can finish installing pipe and move operation into median. Plan to change lane closures and work in median set for before Memorial Day.
Crew 3 along New River road –Crews will start taking some pipe and survey next week. Crews have set up road closures along New River Hills from 421 back to bridge at plant. Prep work will follow with pipe installation scheduled to begin mid-May.
Crew 3 New River Hills – Crew 3 arrived on site last week. Will finish prep work and cutting pavement to start pipe installation later this week. Crews will start the permanent lane closure once pipe installation begins. Current road closures are primarily during work hours. Crews plan to have this section complete and re-opened mid-June.