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Parking-Meter Installation in Boone Update, Smart Meter Installation Begins Monday

Editor’s Note: Below is a letter that the Downtown Boone Development Association sent to members on Friday. At a Boone Town Council meeting on Thursday, Town Manager John Ward said that installation of the smart meters would begin on Monday.

Starting next week, Town of Boone staff and IPS Group Parking & Telecommunications will begin the process of installing new smart parking meters for on-street parking in downtown Boone. The installation process will take several days to complete.

In an effort to provide that latest information, please follow the link below to a new website containing comprehensive information about the new parking management system: http://ipsgroupinc.com/townofboone/

Over the next several days, we will be delivering brochures to downtown businesses that will provide your customers with information about the new smart meters. We realize that there may be some growing pains associated with this transition; however, the DBDA Board and the Town of Boone are dedicated to helping make this transition a success.

We will be providing you with updates as we move forward with the installation process, but feel free to contact Virginia Falck (virginia.falck@townofboone.net) at any time with questions or concerns.