Boone’s F.A.R.M. (Feed All Regardless of Means) Cafe is hosting two great events this week in support of the organization’s efforts to fight food insecurity in the High Country. On Wednesday March 28, Appalachian Mountain Brewery & the We Can So You Can Foundation will be ‘Buying Boone Lunch’. Then on Thursday evening March 29, between 6-10 PM, Boone Saloon will host F.A.R.M. Cafe’s 5th annual REAL.GOOD.PARTY! fundraiser. Through the generous sponsorship of AMB on Wednesday and numerous sponsors including Mast General Store, Friendship Honda, Hospitality Mints, US Foods, Boone Drug Inc., and others, on Thursday evening all donations made through these events will be used in support of F.A.R.M. Cafe’s program to Feed All Regardless of Means each weekday in the cafe located on King Street.
Appalachian Mountain Brewery and the We Can So You Can Foundation has been a long-time supporter of F.A.R.M. Cafe. Yet this will be the first time that AMB has participated in the monthly Buy Boone Lunch program. On these special days at the Cafe the basic cost of food and operation are covered by the sponsoring organization, therefore each donation made for a meal does more than cover cost, it helps to provide a meal for a neighbor who is food insecure. In addition, staff from AMB will be volunteering their time as servers, dishwashers, prep cooks, and greeters throughout the day. All are invited to come support Appalachian Mountain Brewery’s efforts to ‘Buy Boone Lunch’ between 11-2 on Wednesday March 28 at F.A.R.M. Cafe located at 617 West King Street in downtown Boone.
The following evening, Thursday March 29 between 6-10 PM just down King Street at Boone Saloon, F.A.R.M. Cafe will hold their 5th Annual REAL.GOOD.PARTY! This event returns to Boone after 3 years in Blowing Rock. Featuring dance music by Soul Benefactor, bar food, cash bar, silent auction, raffle drawings, games, and other special surprises. This event is always a REAL.GOOD.TIME!
Tickets to the REAL.GOOD.PARTY! are available at F.A.R.M. Cafe with a suggested donation amount of $25/person and $15/student. The Cafe is also the place to get advance limited number raffle tickets at $25 each for chances to receive a great weekend trips to either Nashville, TN or Raleigh, NC or a weeklong stay in Playa Ochatal on the North Pacific coast of Costa Rica (thanks to Bonnie Guy & Bob Goddard for the Costa Rica trip contribution). With limited raffle tickets offered for the trips, participants have an excellent chance to win. The drawing for each will be held during the event at Boone Saloon. Many other great silent auction items will be on view for bid at the event. F.A.R.M. Cafe is grateful to so many donor businesses throughout the community that have supported the silent auction, raffle, and wine draw.
Thanks to the generous sponsors for this year’s event including Mast General Store, Friendship Honda, Boone Drug Inc., Life Store Bank, Carefree Cove Neighborhood, US Foods & local sales representative Betty Hamner, the Roberson Family, MPrints, and Boone Saloon. Because of this support 90% of donations received through ticket sales, raffles, silent auction, and games will be utilized in support of F.A.R.M. Cafe’s efforts to fight food insecurity in the High Country. The remaining 10% of the evening’s proceeds are committed to the F.A.R.M. Cafe endowment fund with the Watauga Community Foundation.
F.A.R.M. (Feed All Regardless of Means) Cafe, located at 617 West King Street is Boone’s Donate-What-You-Can Non-Profit Community Cafe. It is open Monday through Friday from 11 AM-2 PM featuring a diverse daily selection made with fresh ingredients from local sources when available. Guests contribute a suggested donation or ‘pay-it-forward’ with a donation beyond the suggested amount, while others donate what they can or volunteer their time in exchange for a meal. All are welcome to the Cafe for a great meal or visit to learn more about F.A.R.M. Cafe.
For more information about the annual REAL.GOOD.PARTY! or the Buy Boone Lunch program please contact F.A.R.M. Cafe staff via or 828-386-1000.