Child Run Over By Father’s Truck in Watauga Exits Surgery, Trooper: ‘I Think He’ll be OK”

By Jesse Wood

The young boy who was accidentally run over by his father on Monday morning “came out of surgery and appears to be OK,” State Highway Patrol Trooper Josh Hodges said on Tuesday morning.

“I think he’ll be OK,” Hodges said, adding an “as of right now” disclaimer.

The six-year-old child was riding his bicycle as the father was moving his landscaping truck from the yard to the driveway on Monday morning. The father never saw the boy ride in front of the truck and ran over the child and the bike, Hodges said.

The father then met the medics en route to the Watauga Medical Center. After arriving at the hospital, the child was then flown out to Johnson City Memorial Hospital in Tennessee.

The incident happened at their residence off of Lucky Lane in western Watauga County near the Tennessee state line. Hodges said that the Highway Patrol would not be releasing the names of those involved at the request of the family.

“As of now, everything looks fine,” Hodges said, adding that he spoke with the father yesterday after a successful surgery.