Town Receives Go-Ahead From USDA To Bid Out Raw Water Intake Project in Todd

Release from Town of Boone:

In 2008, 73 percent of town voters approved a $25-million bond referendum for a new intake system drawing water from the South Fork New River. Since that time the Town has secured the commitment of nearly $2 million in grants and $20.4 million in low-interest loans from the United States Department of Agriculture (“USDA”) to pay for the project.

In 2015, the Town received project approval from the State of North Carolina Department of Water Quality and from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers.

This project will allow Boone to provide up to an additional 4 million gallons per day to its residents and water customers to meet future water needs. The project also will provide for significant upgrades and modernization of Boone’s Water Treatment Facility.

Initially, up to one-third of the permitted amount will be withdrawn and then returned to the river after treatment at Boone’s advanced waste water treatment facility. Once completed, the project will provide water to the Town of Boone, Watauga County and the Town of Blowing Rock.

On April 27, 2016 the Town of Boone received authorization from the USDA to proceed with the advertisement of bids for the Boone Raw Water Intake/Water Treatment Plant Upgrade Project.

Requests for bids will be solicited in May and June, bid opening will be at the end of June, and an award of the winning bid(s) is expected in July by the Boone Town Council.

Construction is expected to begin in the fall.