On March 18, 2021, the Boone Town Council voted unanimously to amend the Town of Boone Code of Ordinances to affirm the Town’s commitment to non-discrimination. The approval directed staff to ensure that all Town of Boone employment practices, programs and services are provided free of any type of discrimination.
In addition, the Town Council requested that the Town Manager solicit community input in the form of a Town of Boone Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Community Survey. All residents, students, visitors, people employed in the Town of Boone and other interested people are invited to participate. Questions involving how you feel about diversity, equity and inclusion in the Town of Boone and what you think the Town Council’s priorities involving potential future actions should be are included.
You can find the Town of Boone Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Community Survey at the following link: https://polco.us/n/res/vote/boone-nc/town-of-boone-nc-community
Your participation is welcome and we thank you for sharing your ideas and thoughts with the Town of Boone Town Council.
For more information, please contact John Ward at john.ward@townofboone.net or 828-268-6205.