Aug. 1, 2012. The Town of Boone is offering music lessons at the Jones House. Lessons are offered on Thursday afternoons starting at 4:30, before the old-time jam session begins at 7:30. The weekly group lessons are 45-minutes long feature expert local musicians.
Sessions are open to both kids and adults, from rank beginners to intermediate players. Instruments being taught will include fiddle, guitar, banjo, and mandolin. There may also be a flatfoot dance class and a surf guitar class.
Session A:
Aug 23, 30; Sept 6, 13, 20
Session B:
Sept 27; Oct 4, 11, 18, 25
Session C:
Nov 1, 8, 15, 29; Dec 6
Each session costs $50, or you can enroll in all three sessions for $100. I can also offer some scholarship assistance to kids 18-and-under, who need the help.
Instruments available to rent for $10 per session, or $20 for the 15 weeks. The Watauga Arts Council also has instruments available for rent (call them at 264-1789).
For more information, or to enroll in a class, please contact Mark Freed at the Jones House Community Center.
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