Today’s Email Announcements

What’s Happening This Week at Lost Province Brewing

Wednesday, November 6

7 pm-9 pm Trivia Night: Beginning at 7 pm, Lost Province will be hosting Trivia Night. Compete on your own or on a team! The competition gets started at 7pm so come a little early for a pizza and a pint and get your seat!

Thursday, November 7

$3.00 Thursday and College Night-$3.00 pints on all Lost Province brewed beers (except high gravity).

7:30-Close: Mary Catherine Lynch. Mary Catherine Lynch is an App State student studying recording and production. She believes in making art for the sake of our souls and for the love of free expression. She began playing music 7 years ago and has performed in bars and coffee shops around North Carolina. Previously residing in Raleigh, she has played with several bands including Will of the Lost and Moomoo the Pig. Since leaving the Raleigh area she has continued writing and playing on her own.

Friday, November 8

7:30 pm -Close: Odd and Even. Consisting of Lauren Hayworth (The Mercury Dames), Ashley Wright (Earleine), and Sarah Reinke (Urban Soil). Odd and Even performs a collection of original music as well as covers by artists such as Mountain Man, The Secret Sisters, Steely Dan, The Osborne Brothers, and more!

Saturday, November 9

7:30 pm -Close: Abigail Dowd. Singer/songwriter Abigail Dowd grew up under the North Carolina longleaf pines and hints of the early Celtic settlers weave through her music. Her lyrics are mesmerizing and her bluesy voice has been described as “a rare thing that is at once strong and generous in its vulnerability.” She blends her classical guitar style with the edgy bass and percussion of Jason Duff, a Greensboro native and longtime musician.

Sunday, November 10

5 pm-9 pm: Join us for a Celtic Jam Session from 5 pm-close. Have a pint and a pizza and enjoy Scottish, Irish, Cape Breton tunes. Bring your fiddle, whistle, flute, banjo, harp, pipes, bodhran, guitar, mandolin, concertina, or accordion and join in on the jam!

Campus Emergency Siren Test to be Conducted November 6

Appalachian State University will test its campus siren warning system at 11:55 a.m., Wednesday, November 6.

Examples of the tones that are used in an emergency or during tests can be heard online at

Appalachian uses the hi/low tone for emergencies, discontinuous air horn for tests of the system and the alert tone for the all-clear signal.

For more information about the university’s AppState ALERT voice/text/email notification system, visit

Campus siren tests are normally conducted on the first Wednesday of each month. Scheduled dates for Appalachian’s upcoming tests are Dec. 4 and Jan. 8.

North Carolina Native Plant Society Blue Ridge Chapter Meeting is November 13

Our monthly meeting will be held on Wednesday, November 13 at the Holiday Inn Express, 1943 Blowing Rock Road in Boone. The meeting room will open at 6:30 p.m. and we’ll start the meeting at 7:00.

This month, Dr. Gary Walker, retired from App State University and just recently appointed to the state Plant Conservation Board, will give a presentation for us in his new role and talk about plant conservation, permit requirements, and in particular, how these apply to native plant society activities.

A reminder about winter weather: If the Watauga County schools are closed for the day on our meeting date the meeting will be canceled for that month! If schools are only delayed, we will have our meeting.

App State-Georgia State On Nov. 16 To Air at 7:30 on ESPNU

App State’s conference showdown at Georgia State, a Nov. 16 game that follows this weekend’s visit to South Carolina, has a network designation and new kickoff time.
The Mountaineers will face the Panthers in Atlanta at 7:30 p.m. on ESPNU.
It will be App State’s fourth straight game on national television and the fifth one in the last six games.
App State (7-1, 4-1) currently sits a half-game ahead of both Georgia State (6-2, 3-1) and Georgia Southern in the Sun Belt’s East Division.

Watauga Amateur Radio Club to Hold License Test Session on November 16

The Watauga Amateur Radio Club ( will hold an Amateur Radio License Test Session in Walker Hall Room 105 on the Appalachian State University campus beginning at 1:00 pm on Saturday, Nov 16. Bring a photo ID, $15 test fee (cash or check), pencils, and optionally a calculator (non-graphing).

You must provide your FCC Federal Registration Number (FRN). To obtain an FRN from the FCC before the test, visit to get started.

Hurricane Dorian, one of the most intense Atlantic storms on record, devastated the Bahamas and grazed the coast of North Carolina during the summer of 2019. More than 190,000 people in North Carolina lost power from the storm. Standard cell-tower backup batteries typically last only 8 hours. Communications were only by HF radio in the Bahamas and other areas. Become a ‘ham’ radio operator and be ready to help in a disaster.

For more information, email Bill Bauldry at See also

Rural Transportation Coordinating Committee to Meet November 20

The Rural Transportation Coordinating Committee (RTCC) of the High Country RPO will hold a meeting on Wednesday, November 20, 2019 at the High Country Council of Governments building located at 468 New Market Blvd., Boone, NC 28607. The RTCC will meet at 10:00 AM The meeting is open to the public.

The High Country Rural Planning Organization (RPO) is a collaborative effort between the counties of Alleghany, Ashe, Avery, Mitchell, Watauga, Wilkes, and Yancey; the incorporated municipalities in the seven counties; the North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT); and the High Country (Region D) Council of Governments. The High Country RPO is involved in all aspects of transportation planning in the region, and operates through the actions of two committees – The Rural Transportation Coordinating Committee (RTCC), comprised of county, municipal, and NCDOT staff; and the Rural Transportation Advisory Committee (RTAC), comprised of county and municipal elected officials. Both committees meet on a quarterly basis during the months of February, May, August, and November/December.

Mountainside Lutheran Church Announces New Organist

Mountainside Lutheran Church in Linville has just selected Boone native Eric Farthing as our new organist. Mr. Farthing was educated at ASU, the University of North Carolina at Greensboro and at Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in Louisville, KY where he received a Masters in Church Music.

Mr. Farthing has served as organist or Minister of Music at churches in Winston Salem, Greensboro, Jeffersonville, Indiana and other locations. From 2012 to the present, he has volunteered at First Baptist Church in Boone as a member of the Chancel Choir and Chancel Bells, as accompanist for the children’s choir and as a substitute organist.

The Church’s recent Oktoberfest was a resounding hit with members and friends of Mountainside and Camp Linn Haven. Authentic German music, games and delicious foods afforded all ages a fun-filled time of fellowship. Special guests were some of the children from Crossnore School who particularly enjoyed the games for children in the camp’s pavilion. Many thanks to Joseph Van Zandt for providing music from polkas to waltzes to German folk songs on his accordion.

Just completed was a Spruce-Up Day for the Sunday School area of the camp’s pavilion. How many Sunday Schools can boast of a setting which includes clear chestnut interior walls and chestnut bark on the exterior?

A few weeks ago the church also organized a Clean-Up Day for the church and surrounding grounds. Both of these projects were spearheaded by Tammy Hefner, wife of the Church’s Chairman Todd Hefner. Thanks, Tammy!

Mountainside is a big supporter of Volunteer Avery County’s Food Bank, with a “Food Wagon” available for donations from members and visitors. This time of year we are collecting non-perishable foods with Thanksgiving in mind. Canned goods (yams, green beans, cranberry sauce, etc.), boxed stuffing mixes, boxed mashed potatoes and rice are all appreciated.

Led by Pastor Bryan Chestnutt, Mountainside Lutheran Church’s worship service commences at 10 am. This is followed at 11:30 by Bible Study and Children’s Sunday School. All are welcome to come and visit at Mountainside!

Mountainside Lutheran Church, a member congregation of the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod, is located on the grounds of Camp Lynn Haven on US Hwy 221/NC-181 near Linville. Visit the church website at: or contact us at or 828-733-4404.

Foxx Introduces Affordable Housing Bill

Rep. Virginia Foxx (R-N.C.) introduced H.R. 4956, the Finding Market-Based and Local Solutions to Ensure Access to Housing Act. The bill codifies President Trump’s Executive Order 13878, Establishing a White House Council on Eliminating Regulatory Barriers to Affordable Housing issued in June 2019. The Executive Order aims to assist federal, state, local and tribal governments with recognizing and eliminating barriers to affordable housing.

“President Trump’s Executive Order recognizes that multiple factors contribute to the affordable housing shortage across the country and that state and local governments are in the best position to reduce barriers to affordable housing. As state and local officials nationwide seek to increase affordable housing, the federal government’s limited role should be to assist them in identifying the barriers that contribute to the housing supply shortage and assist them in promoting effective land use policies. Enshrining the administration’s collaborative initiatives in our laws would sustain its efforts to make housing more affordable long-term,” stated Rep. Foxx.