This Week’s Ranger Programs at Cone Manor
Wednesday, June 5, 2019
Cone Manor – Milepost 294
1:30- 3:00 – Informal Tour at Cone Manor
From 1:30 to 3:00, the Kitchen of Cone Manor will be open for a do-it-yourself tour. Rangers will be on hand to answer questions.
Thursday June 6, 2019
Price Picnic Grounds – Milepost 296
10.00 am – 12.00 pm – “Barking Dogs” on the Blue Ridge
Stop by the ranger table to learn about the amazing coyote.
Cone Manor – Milepost 294
11.00 am – The Pleasures of Blowing Rock
By the 1870s the Blowing Rock area was already attracting visitors. Stop by the porch at Cone Manor for a short talk on the pleasures to be enjoyed.
4.00 pm – There was More to Moses Cone than Meets the Eye.
Moses Cone was a very industrious man who built a thriving textile business. But there was more to him than that. Join a Ranger on the Cone Porch for a short talk on Moses Cone and his conservation and philanthropic passions.
Friday, June 7, 2019
Price Picnic Grounds – Milepost 296
10.00 am – 12.00 pm – “Barking Dogs” on the Blue Ridge
Stop by the ranger table to learn about the amazing coyote.
Cone Manor – Milepost 294
1:30- 3:00 – Informal Tour at Cone Manor
From 1:30 to 3:00, the Kitchen of Cone Manor will be open for a do-it-yourself tour. Rangers will be on hand to answer questions.
Saturday June 8, 2019
Price Picnic Grounds – Milepost 296
10.00 am – 11.00 am – Bear Table
Learn about the black bear and what to do if you encounter one on the trail.
Cone Manor – Milepost 294
10:00, 11:00 – Tours at Cone Manor
Ranger led talk and tour of the kitchen of the former home of Moses and Bertha Cone.
Tour is approximately 45 minutes long and reservations are required. To reserve a tour: call 828-295-3782 or sign up at the NPS information desk at the Manor House. Reservations are accepted beginning at 10:00am Friday for the upcoming weekend only. No advance reservations, please.
1:30- 3:00 – Informal Tour at Cone Manor
From 1:30 to 3:00, the Kitchen of Cone Manor will be open for a do-it-yourself tour. Rangers will be on hand to answer questions.
Sunday, June 9, 2019
Cone Manor – Milepost 294
10:00, 11:00, 2:00, 3:00 – Tours at Cone Manor
Ranger led talk and tour of the kitchen of the former home of Moses and Bertha Cone.
Tour is approximately 45 minutes long and reservations are required. To reserve a tour: call 828-295-3782 or sign up at the NPS information desk at the Manor House. Reservations are accepted beginning at 10:00am Friday for the upcoming weekend only. No advance reservations, please.
Special thanks to Blue Ridge Parkway Foundation, Eastern National, and FRIENDS of the Blue Ridge Parkway for their financial support of these programs
Campus Emergency Siren Test to be Conducted June 5
Appalachian State University will test its campus siren warning system at 11:55 a.m., Wednesday, June 5.
Examples of the tones that are used in an emergency or during tests can be heard online at https://emergency.appstate.
Appalachian uses the hi/low tone for emergencies, discontinuous air horn for tests of the system and the alert tone for all-clear signal.
For more information about the university’s AppState ALERT voice/text/email notification system, visit https://emergency.
Campus siren tests are normally conducted on the first Wednesday of each month. Scheduled dates for Appalachian’s upcoming tests are July 3 and Aug. 7.
Wordkeepers Next Meeting is June 15
Writers! Come to Wordkeepers, our bimonthly gathering of writers in the High Country at the Ashe County Arts Council, 303 School Avenue in West Jefferson, North Carolina, on Saturday, June 15, at 4 p.m. All genres are welcome, and readers are asked to keep their selections under five minutes.
Refreshments will be served, and a warm and welcoming audience will be eager to hear your own original work.
Please join us and share, or at least join us and listen. If you would like to read, please contact Diana Renfro at, so that she might reserve a slot for you.
Monthly Torch Meeting on June 10
The monthly meeting of Torch: A Forum for Reasoned Discourse will be Monday, June 10th at Sagebrush Restaurant in Boone. Those arriving by 11:30 may choose from a $10 menu and enjoy the presentation at noon. The topic this month is “The Bible and Climate Change” by Herbert Hash who has been active with the Christian Fellowship at Appalachian State University. Guests are welcome. Information: 828-264-8811
SECU Hosts Community Shred-It Day
State Employees’ Credit Union will host a community shred event on Saturday, June 8th from 9:00 am to noon at the branch located at 1470 Blowing Rock Rd. Shred-It, a nationally recognized leader in document destruction, will provide on-site shredding services. The event is open to the public and there is no charge for the services. For further information, please contact the branch at 264-0206.
Free Mulch from Mountain Electric
Mountain Electric will be having mulch available from tree trimming the first week of June. They will deliver to your address, but not spread the mulch. It will be a pick-up load at a time. If you are interested in receiving some, please contact JD Houtsma at 828-737-8309.
Bipartisan Voter ID Accommodations Approved by N.C. General Assembly
Bipartisan legislation amending the deadline and criteria for the State Board of Elections to approve voter identification cards received final approval by a 109-6 vote of the North Carolina House of Representatives on Tuesday.
The legislation is anticipated to facilitate increased voting access for students using college-issued identifications across the state.
In 2018 North Carolinians approved a constitutional amendment establishing voter ID in the state’s elections.
Enabling legislation subsequently passed by the state General Assembly allowed a range of qualifying cards – as well as signed affidavits asserting a reasonable impediment to obtaining an identification – for voters to cast their ballots.
North Carolina’s voter ID law accommodates religious objectors, provides for free government-issued IDs and accepts drivers’ licenses, passports, military and veteran IDs, student IDs, voter ID cards, as well as state and local government IDs. Drivers’ licenses from other states would even qualify in some circumstances.
House Bill 646 ID Approval/Flex Municipal One-Stop extends the date for universities, private and community colleges, charter schools, and state and local government entities to have their identification cards approved for voting from March 15 to November 15, 2019.
The bill also clarifies that for the 2020 elections, identification cards for those entities may not be denied approval by the State Board due solely to a lack of a printed expiration date on the card.
North Carolina’s voter ID rules will apply to both in-person and absentee ballots beginning in 2020.
“We worked together with our colleagues across the aisle and across the building to accomplish a common-sense solution to voter ID implementation,” said Rep. David Lewis (R-Harnett) during debate on the bill.
“This update to the original bill conclusively resolves all known issues identified by the university system and Board of Elections. We worked with both of those entities to identify and address barriers to IDs being approved.”
A qualifying voter ID approved by the State Board before March 15, 2019, would continue to be eligible for use in any election prior to December 31, 2022, without any further submission or approval under H.B. 646.
Any identification card denied approval by the State Board before March 15, 2019, could submit a revised application by November 15, 2019 for use in the 2020 elections.
H.B. 646 also allows voter ID cards to contain photos not taken directly but obtained by qualifying institutions, provided there is a frontal image that includes the individual’s face and represents a clear, accurate likeness of the individual.
State House Speaker Tim Moore (R-Cleveland) sponsored the voter ID constitutional amendment approved by North Carolinians in 2018.
“We remain committed to ensuring the integrity of our elections systems with commonsense voter ID laws and working with local institutions to help every eligible North Carolinian cast a ballot,” Speaker Moore said.
The legislation also allows tribal enrollment cards issued by a state or federal recognized tribe to be used as voter ID, regardless of expiration date, and makes changes to rules regarding early one-stop voting locations and hours in odd-numbered years only.
Thirty-four other states have some form of voter ID law. North Carolina is the last state in the Southeast to require some form of voter ID.
New Treatment Option at AppOrtho: Use Your Body’s Own Cells to Repair Knee Cartilage
- The first step is for the surgeon to take a biopsy of healthy cartilage (arthroscopically) from a non weight-bearing area of the patient’s knee. The biopsy is then sent to a FDA-licensed, cell-processing center, where it is stored cryogenically (frozen) for up to five years.The patient can then wait and see how the knee progresses. If knee pain subsides after the initial debridement, no further action is required. However, if symptoms persist and surgery is recommended, the healthy cartilage cells from the biopsy are then expanded and seeded on a special membrane implant at the cell-processing center.
- The implant is then delivered back to the hospital for the surgeon to shape and fit into the area where the damaged cartilage was removed from the patient’s knee. No suture is required for this outpatient procedure; rather the implant is applied with surgical glue.
- The third step in the treatment process requires that the patient participate in a physician-prescribed rehabilitation program. Recovery time can vary, but patients are generally able to return to full weight-bearing and range of motion within four to six weeks.
Many skills are required to start a successful farm: passion, clear goals, production experience, financial and marketing know-how, and more. The Farm Beginnings® class is a 12-month training session that uses holistic management to help beginning farmers clarify their goals and strengths, establish a strong enterprise plan and start building their operation. The course uses a mix of farmer-led classroom sessions, on-farm tours, and an extensive farmer network. Farm Beginnings® is designed for new and prospective farmers who want to plan a profitable farm business. Students do not need to currently own land, but some farming or production experience is helpful to get the most out of the class.
2019-2020 Farm Beginnings® Farmer Training is 200+ Hours including:
– Winter Whole-Farm Business Planning Courses – 60 hours (October – March)**
– ASAP’s Business of Farming Conference (February) – 8 hours
– OGS Conferences – 40+ hours
– Mentorship with an experienced Farmer Mentor (March – September) – 15 hours
– Production Training – 45 hours (April – October): WNC CRAFT tours on sustainable farms around WNC & Field Days at the Southern Appalachian Highlands Conservancy Incubator Farm and Living Web Farms
– One year WNC CRAFT Farmer Network membership – Membership and mentoring in a regional farmer network
**Location of Winter Sessions: Creekside Farm and Education Center at Walnut Cove at 339 Avery Creek Rd, Arden, NC 28704
Local Non-Profit Connects Boone to Rural India
EDGE: Education for Girls Empowerment was founded in 2017 by Christine Sita Dave after a transformational trip to visit her father’s school in India. While there, Dave witnessed the positive impact that a residential school provided boys in the rural village of Odisha, India but she also noted the lack of residential facilities and resources for the girls in the village. Partnering with the school leaders, she set out to change this. EDGE non-profit links our community to the rural community of Odisha, India. Through fundraising efforts and donations, EDGE will primarily support the construction of new residential dorms for the girl’s school. The non-profit also seeks to enhance resources, both for teachers and students. In brief, their mission is to educate, equip, and empower young girls in India so they can live their own productive lives.
On Saturday, June 15, 2019, from 3-5 pm, Art of Living Retreat Center will host a fundraiser for EDGE: Connecting Cultures, Changing Lives. This afternoon event will feature traditional Indian music and dance with performances by sitar player, Todd Bush, and Bharatnatyam dance by professional dancers from Birmingham, AL. Stories and pictures of the girls will be on display and Indian snacks will be served. Tickets are $30 per individual or $50 for two and can be purchased on their website: https://www.
Weekly Events at Lost Province Brewing Company, June 4-9
Short List
Tuesday, 6/4/19-Shine and Dine at 6pm.
Wednesday, 6/5/19-Trivia at 7pm.
Thursday, 6/6/19- $3.00 Thursday and Live Music featuring The Burnett Sisters.
Friday, 6/7/19-Live Music: Kyle Sigmon at 7:30pm.
Saturday, 6/8/19-Live Music: Will Easter and the Nomads at 7:30pm.
Sunday, 6/9/19-Celtic Jam Session at 5pm.
Tuesday, 6/11/19-Get Lost for a Cause with Community Care Clinic.
Wednesday, 6/12/19-Trivia at 7pm.
Thursday, 6/13/19- $3.00 Thursday and Live Music featuring Austin Bowling Trio.
Friday, 6/14/19-Live Music: Andy Ferrell Duo at 7:30pm.
Saturday, 6/15/19-Live Music: Butterbeans at 7:30pm.
Tuesday, June 4
6pm-8pm Shine and Dine with Copper Barrel Moonshine. Call for reservations. This amazing farm to table dinner will include
five courses paired with specialty cocktails crafted with Wilkes County’s finest & most authentic American spirits. Tickets to our 3rd annual dining experience are an absolute steal at only $45 per person.
Wednesday, June 5
7pm-9pm Trivia Night: Beginning at 7pm, Lost Province will be hosting Trivia Night. Compete on your own or on a team! The
competition gets started at 7pm so come a little early for a pizza and a pint and get your seat!
Thursday, June 6
$3.00 Thursday and College Night-$3.00 pints on all Lost Province brewed beers (except high gravity).
7:30-Closing College Night and Live Music featuring the Burnett Sisters. Kathleen and Anissa Burnett, natives of Boone, NC,
bring to audiences a repertoire of acoustic bluegrass folk, and oldtime music through performance with a number of
professional bands across the tri-state region. Award winning Seniors majoring in Bluegrass, Oldtime, and Country Music in
East Tennessee State University’s renown program, the duo currently plays with ETSU’s Oldtime Pride Band “The Oldtime
Ramblers” which recently aired on Tim White’s “Song of the Mountains” TV program. As well, the sisters play with younger
siblings and Opry-performer Colin Ray in The Burnett Sisters Band, which has played at numerous festivals and venues such as
Merlefest and IBMA, and will be performing at Dollywood’s Bluegrass and Barbecue Festival at the end of May. Additionally,
they play with the trio, High Country Strings, at venues which include Anakeesta Resort and Dolly Parton’s Dream More Resort
in Gatlinburg, TN. Both sisters, multi-instrumentalists and vocalists, previously performed with the local award-winning
Oldtime Band “Strictly Strings”.
Friday, June 7
7:30pm-Closing: Kyle Sigmon. Located in the Appalachian Mountains of Western North Carolina, Kyle is a husband, father of 4, a pastor at Faithbridge, and multiple instrument singer/songwriter whose music is a product of his own creative and contemplative explorations, but exists to do more than entertain. The hope is to inspire and stir listeners to find their own art that is their lives given back to the world.
Saturday, June 8
7:30pm-Closing: Will Easter and the Nomads. Will grew up working and playing hard in the Sauratown region of North Carolina and inherited from both his Father and Grandfather at a young age a deep love of music, nature, the land, and the river. This environment gifted Will with an earnest and genuine appreciation for his unique home that manifests in Will’s songs. When hearing Will’s original and carefully crafted songs, one is imbued with a sense of his heartfelt hardworking North Carolinian
earthen lyrics that reveal stories of love, of love lost, and the singers own unique pain of human progression. As a music lover,
Will has big ears for many genres, but is primarily focused on performing his own original “Sauratown Mountains Folk Sound”, which some fans have referred to as “Grunge Grass”.
Sunday, June 9
5pm-Close: Celtic Jam Session. Join us for a Celtic Jam Session from 5pm-close. Have a pint and a pizza and enjoy Scottish, Irish,
Cape Breton tunes. Bring your fiddle, whistle, flute, banjo, harp, pipes, bodhran, guitar, mandolin, concertina, or accordion and
join in on the jam!