Today’s Email Announcements

No Saturday School in Watauga County
Based on the forecast, there will be NO SCHOOL on Saturday, March 10. Watauga County Schools will provide an updated calendar early next week.

Appalachian State Board of Trustees to Meet March 15-16

The Board of Trustees of Appalachian State University and its several committees will meet on Thursday and Friday, March 15-16, 2018, at the Plemmons Student Union (PSU) on the campus of Appalachian State University in Boone, North Carolina. 

Meetings will be held according to the following schedule:

Thursday, March 15

2:00 p.m. – Academic Affairs Committee

    Room 415 – Rough Ridge Room

2:00 p.m. – Student Affairs Committee

    Room 417 – Beacon Heights Room

3:00 p.m. – Audit Committee

    Room 417 – Beacon Heights Room

3:00 p.m. – Business Affairs Committee

    Room 415 – Rough Ridge Room

4:00 p.m. – Athletics Committee

    Room 415 – Rough Ridge Room

Friday, March 16

8:00 a.m. – Trustees’ Breakfast with Chancellor Everts

     Room 417 – Beacon Heights Room

9:00 a.m. – Board of Trustees

     Room 420 – Parkway Ballroom

New River Service Authority Board Holding Meeting March 19

There will be a special called meeting of the New River Service Authority Board on Monday, March 19, 2018 at 2:00 p.m. in the Commissioners’ Board Room on the First Floor of the Watauga County Administration Building located at 814 West King Street, Boone, North Carolina, for the purposes of adopting a records retention and disposition schedule, discussing the dissolution of the Board, and discussing such other business as may lawfully come before the Board.

High Country Audubon Society Hosting Presentation March 20

On Tuesday March 20, the High Country Audubon Society begins its monthly meetings for 2018 with a presentation by Lauren Lampley titled “An Introvert’s Path to Environmental Education: How a Shy Kid Who Loved the Outdoors Became a Seasoned Environmental Educator.”  The meeting is held at Holiday Inn Express on Blowing Rock Road in Boone and begins at 6:30 p.m.

Lauren Lampley is known by many area residents in her role as Seasonal Naturalist with the Grandfather Mountain Stewardship Foundation where you may well have seen her on the top of the mountain in October, just past the Swinging Bridge, counting hawks in migration.

Lauren received her Bachelor of Science in wildlife biology from Lees-McRae College (LMC) with a minor in wildlife rehabilitation. While at LMC, she found out that she loved environmental education, and so she pursued a master’s degree in environmental education from Montreat College. Now she works at Grandfather Mountain Stewardship Foundation helping to educate thousands of people every year about the amazing flora and fauna all around us in North Carolina.

For additional information, see

Mystery Hill Announces North Carolina Resident Days Through March 23

Beginning March 1 and continuing until March 23, Mystery Hill is excited to announce North Carolina Resident days! All residents of North Carolina along with families and guest are invited to visit Mystery Hill for only $2 each throughout March as part of “Dollar Days”

Mystery Hill located between Boone and Blowing Rock on Hwy 321 has been amazing visitors to the North Carolina High Country since 1948. Visitors receive a guided tour of North Carolina’s only known Natural Gravitational Anomaly that includes the Mystery Platform where two guest stand on a perfectly level platform but appear to grow and shrink as they switch sides and the Mystery House where the laws of gravity appear to have been forgotten as things roll up hill and visitors experience a strange pull to the North. After the tour guest are invited to stay and experiment as long as they like before moving on to the Hall of Mystery with a series of Optical Illusions and Hands on activities including The Shadow Wall, the Spooky Spigot, The Flying Mirror, and everyone’s favorite Bubblerama where you can actually stand inside a giant soap bubble. Other attractions at Mystery Hill include the Moon and Irene Mullins Native American Artifacts Collection with over 54,000 artifacts on display and the 1903 Dougherty House museum the home of the founders of Appalachian State University,  Doc’s Rocks Gem Mining the states premier educational gem mine, the Appalachian Fossil Museum where you can see a real Tyrannosaurus Rex Skull, and Professor Finnegan’s Old Time Photo Parlour where you can create a unique Old Time Souvenir Photo.

“We are so excited to extend our annual dollar days tradition beyond our High Country residents out to all North Carolina residents again this year as we celebrate 68 years of entertaining our visitors” said Wayne Underwood, owner and proprietor of Mystery Hill “So load up your friends and family and come see us in the High Country for North Carolina Resident Days”

The Dollar Days promotion allows anyone who works or lives in North Carolina — along with their guests— to visit at the discounted rate.

Students attending a North Carolina college or university also are eligible for the discount.

To take advantage of the reduced rate, visitors must present a driver’s license, college ID or local utility bill as proof of North Carolina residency. An employee identification badge or pay stub can be used to demonstrate employment at a North Carolina business.

Mystery Hill will be open 7 days a week the entire month of March with tickets available for sale from 9am until 5pm.

For more information visit or email or call at 828-264-2792

Revolutionary War Reenactment Taking Place in Elkin March 24-25

Join the Wilkes – Surry Chapter Overmountain Victory Trail Association for a truly immersive living history event March 24 – 25 in Elkin, North Carolina.

Step back into the year 1780 and witness the backcountry campaign that led to a patriot victory at the Battle of Kings Mountain. You will get the chance to meet persons portraying the role of Joseph Winston, Benjamin Cleveland, Lord Cornwallis and Patrick Ferguson. Follow the original path that our patriot fathers walk in 1780, one of only eighteen National Historic Trails in America.

Stroll through the encampment and mingle with living history re-enactors who will show you things about life in the 18th century.

At 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. on Saturday, March 24, and at 2 p.m. on Sunday March 25, participate in a trail walk where the southern campaign of the American Revolution will come to life and end with a mock battle demonstration.

Saturday at noon there will be a colonial parade on Main Street in downtown Elkin.

Scholarship Applications Being Taken Until March 31

It is the mission of the Boone United Methodist Women to offer scholarships for post high school educational needs. There are NO restrictions based on the age, race, religion, or gender of the applicants, with priority given to undergraduate studies OR non-traditional/adult students.
More information and applications are available in the church office or can be downloaded from church website (
Applications must be received no later than March 31 and should be submitted to Boone United Methodist Church, 471 New Market Blvd, Boone, N.C. 28607, ATTN: Jennifer Whittington.

Mayland Community College Offering Several Classes During March

The Small Business Center and Toe River Arts Council (TRAC) are working together to offer seminars that will enable you to build and grow your creative business. Come to downtown Spruce Pine at the beautiful facilities of the TRAC Art Resource Center to check out our interesting class line-up!

Build an Artist Biography – Workshop (2 Hours)

An artist biography provides customers with a quick look into the life and values of an artist. In this class, learn how to build a bi­ography that can connect customers to you and your art. Students will work through exercises to complete an effective bio that can be used on websites, social media, and print materials. For more information on this free class or to pre-register visit and click on the Continuing Education link or call 828-766-1295. Class begins at 5:30 p.m. on March 28 at the TRAC Art Resource Center Spruce Pine.

Connect with Customers by Telling Your Story (2 Hours)

Customers tend to buy more frequently from artists who tell the story behind their art because a story establishes a personal connection. This class will help you craft your story in a manner that will communi­cate your brand, values, and competitive advantage. Learn how to design a story that will enchant customers and emphasize your unique qualities. For more information on this free class or to pre-register visit and click on the Continuing Education link or call 828-766-1295. Class begins at 5:30 p.m. on April 11 at the TRAC Art Resource Center Spruce Pine.

Tips for Success from the Yummy Mud Puddle (2 Hours)

Get tips for long term success from area artists Claudia Dunaway and John Richards with the Yummy Mud Puddle. With local insight and over 100 years of combined experience in operating a thriving studio, this seminar will be very informative and entertaining. Learn how to “make a living” in the arts business. For more information on this free class or to pre-register visit and click on the Continuing Education link or call 828-766-1295. Class begins at 5:30 p.m. on April 25 at the TRAC Art Resource Center Spruce Pine.

How to Start a Non-Profit (3 Hours)

Nonprofit organizations do great work in our local communities. What are the requirements to create a nonprofit? This seminar will look at the process of creating a nonprofit including legal issues, your desired outcomes, and the application process. For more information on this free class or to pre-register visit and click on the Continuing Education link or call 828-766-1295. Class begins at 5:30 p.m. on April 12 at MCC’s Mitchell Campus in Spruce Pine.

How to Make Money Doing What You Love (3 Hours)

Turn your passion into a paycheck by learning 10 money tips for entrepre­neurs. You’ll learn about budgeting, pricing, and inventory to gain essential tools for success. For more information on this free class or to pre-register visit and click on the Continuing Education link or call 828-766-1295. Class begins at 5:30 p.m. on April 17 at MCC’s Mitchell Campus in Spruce Pine.

Grant Writing for Beginners (3 Hours)

Grants can be a source of income for both nonprofit and for-profit businesses. How do you find out about grants? How much money is available? What is the applica­tion process like? We will consider these issues and more in this seminar. For more information on this free class or to pre-register visit and click on the Continuing Education link or call 828-766-1295. Class begins at 5:30 p.m. on April 19 at MCC’s Mitchell Campus in Spruce Pine.

How to Get More Customers (3 Hours)

Learn proven marketing techniques to grow your customer base. Take home a personalized strategy to market your busi­ness. Discover strengths and opportunities to build your business or concept. For more information on this free class or to pre-register visit and click on the Continuing Education link or call 828-766-1295. Class begins at 5:30 p.m. on April 24 at MCC’s Mitchell Campus in Spruce Pine.

Advanced Grant Writing (3 Hours)

You have identified a project you want to accomplish and a potential grant funder for financing. Now what do you do? This seminar will discuss how to evaluate a grant proposal, how grants are scored for approval, and how to write a grant. We will also discuss how grants are administered and monitored by the funders. For more information on this free class or to pre-register visit and click on the Continuing Education link or call 828-766-1295. Class begins at 5:30 p.m. on April 26 at MCC’s Mitchell Campus in Spruce Pine.

The Mayland SBC Entrepreneurship Certificate Series

Attend one class or all six! In this series, learn how to be a successful entre­preneur. SBC business professionals and guest presenters will increase your business savvy by providing current and applicable information. Upon completion of all six classes, participants will receive a certificate from the Mayland Small Business Center which is a great document to include in a business plan.

CLASS TWO: How to Write a Business Plan (3 Hours)

A business plan is vital to starting and op­erating a business. Learn how to turn ideas into a solid plan for financing and long-term success. This seminar teaches the import­ant components of a business plan and helps lay the foundation for a functional plan. Discover how a business plan is used by potential lenders, the dos and dont’s of writing a plan, and steps for making the process easy. You will also learn to introduce yourself and your business with confidence and clarity, utilizing your person­al “Elevator Speech”. For more information on this free SBC class or to pre-register visit and click on the Continuing Education link or call 828-766-1295. Class begins on March 22 at 5:30 PM at MCC’s Mitchell Campus.

CLASS THREE: Marketing your Business (3 Hours)

This class discusses how to build a customer base. Business location, layout, signage, pricing, service, traditional/so­cial media, direct marketing, promotional material, and trade shows will be discussed to help entrepreneurs effectively communi­cate and market. For more information on this free SBC class or to pre-register visit and click on the Continuing Education link or call 828-766-1295. Class begins on March 26 at 5:30 PM at MCC’s Mitchell Campus.

CLASS FOUR: Basics of Bookkeeping (3 Hours)

This class will discuss the four most import­ant financial statements in business: the personal financial statement, the balance sheet, the income statement, and the cash flow statement. The class will also cover basic bookkeeping and record keeping skills. Attendees will gain a workable knowl­edge of how to properly record financial transactions for a business. For more information on this free SBC class or to pre-register visit and click on the Continuing Education link or call 828-766-1295. Class begins on March 29 at 5:30 PM at MCC’s Mitchell Campus.

CLASS FIVE: Your Small Business Taxes (3 Hours)

Gain a solid understanding of taxes required for small business owners and develop the best tax strategy for your business. Attendees will become familiar with the latest tax forms and procedures for both state and federal taxes. Don’t let your business fail due to lack of tax knowledge. For more information on this free SBC class or to pre-register visit and click on the Continuing Education link or call 828-766-1295. Class begins on April 2 at 5:30 PM at MCC’s Mitchell Campus.

CLASS SIX: How to Present Your Business (2 Hours)

Development and proper presentation of a business pitch can build sales or attract investment. In this seminar, attendees will learn how to craft an effective business pitch that can be used in both verbal and written communications. For more information on this free SBC class or to pre-register visit and click on the Continuing Education link or call 828-766-1295. Class begins on April 5 at 5:30 PM at MCC’s Mitchell Campus.

Other classes being offered include:

Community CPR (4 Hours)

This course is the basic CPR course de­signed by the American Heart Association (AHA). Upon successful completion of the course, students will receive an AHA CPR and AED card, which is valid for two years. This class includes instruction in CPR for infants, children and adults with practical applications using special mannequins. Please note, this is a basic CPR course and not a Healthcare Provider Certification. For more information on this course visit and click on the Continuing Education link or call 828.733.5883. Class begins on March 12 at 6 p.m. at MCC’s Avery Learning Center. Registration for Continuing Education classes is always open and you can register and pay online.

Self-Care with Massage (8 Hours)

Aches and pains are a normal part of our everyday life. Although time and money hinder ones’ ability to receive a professional massage on a regular basis, these self-help and/or partner assisted techniques will allow you to destress and give yourself a little TLC from those aches and pains. In this class, you will learn safe, inexpensive and reasonable approaches to self-care for many common pain problems such as muscle tension headaches, gen­eralized low back pain, plantar fasciitis and many more. For more information on this course visit and click on the Continuing Education link or call 828.733.5883. Class begins on March 24 at 9 a.m. at MCC’s Avery Learning Center. Registration for Continuing Education classes is always open and you can register and pay online.

EKG Technician (105 Hours)

For more information on this course visit and click on the Continuing Education link or call 828.733.5883. Class begins on March 26 at 6 p.m. at MCC’s Avery Learning Center. Registration for Continuing Education classes is always open and you can register and pay online.

Guitar (9 Hours)

Bring your guitar and together we will learn five chord positions that will make it possible to play songs in two different keys. We will start at the very beginning, so no experience necessary. We will use some different strumming patterns and maybe learn a couple of simple things to “jazz up” your playing. If there is interest, we can visit a luthier and actually see how a guitar is made. For more information on this course visit and click on the Continuing Education link or call 828.733.5883. Class begins on March 26 at 9 a.m. at MCC’s Avery Learning Center. Registration for Continuing Education classes is always open and you can register and pay online.

Bees – What’s the Buzz About? (24 Hours)

Just in time for Bee season! Before pur­chasing your first hive, learn some helpful tips to get you started right. This class will share information that will help you decide if beekeeping is really for you, determine needed equipment, discuss protective gear and much more. No class on April 19th. For more information on this course visit and click on the Continuing Education link or call 828.733.5883. Class begins on March 29 at 6 p.m. at MCC’s classroom located at the Historic Banner Elk School. Registration for Continuing Education classes is always open and you can register and pay online.

Folk Harp (10 Hours)

The folk harp (a.k.a. “Celtic” or “Irish” harp) is a smaller and more portable version of the more-familiar orchestral harps. Having fewer strings (22, 26, 29 or 34) it is also much simpler to play. This class is for the absolute beginning harp player; no knowl­edge of musical notation is necessary, as we will learn to play using simple chord/ arpeggio patterns. A few loaner harps are available, please reserve at registration. For more information on this course visit and click on the Continuing Education link or call 828.733.5883. Class begins on April 9 at 7 p.m. at MCC’s Avery Learning Center. Registration for Continuing Education classes is always open and you can register and pay online.

Blacksmith Shop (12 Hours)

Have a project idea, but no place to create? Join this weekend class to learn some basics of blacksmithing while receiving guidance on your special project using our space and tools. For more information on this course visit and click on the Continuing Education link or call 828.733.5883. Class is April 13-15 at MCC’s Avery Learning Center. Registration for Continuing Education classes is always open and you can register and pay online.

Bike Repair: The Doctor Is In (6 Hours)

Albert Einstein said it best, “Life is like riding a bicycle, to keep your balance you must keep moving.” That is what we want to do, keep you moving. Join JC Lakey of HQ Bike and Outdoor on this journey to maintaining your bike. Start at the begin­ning with tube change/tire repair and prog­ress into advanced care. Bring your bike and let’s get started in this quick course to keep you moving! Students will receive a Co2 flat kit to work with and take home. For more information on this course visit and click on the Continuing Education link or call 828.733.5883. Class begins on April 16 at 6 p.m. at MCC’s classroom located at the Historic Banner Elk School. Registration for Continuing Education classes is always open and you can register and pay online.

Drawing (18 Hours)

Drawing is fundamental for any form of 2 or 3 dimensional art making. Learning to see and conceptualize or interpret helps us bring our creative visions to life. Take first steps or refresh your technique in a fun, interactive environment. All levels are most welcome! For more information on this course visit and click on the Continuing Education link or call 828.733.5883. Class begins on April 19 at 10 a.m. at MCC’s classroom located at the Historic Banner Elk School. Registration for Continuing Education classes is always open and you can register and pay online.

Wonderful World of Ginseng (3 Hours)

Ginseng, believed to restore and enhance well-being, may be hiding in our own backyard. Join Rodney Wise as he shares with you properties of this mysterious herb, gives tips for identification of ginseng, and the laws surrounding it. Rodney has grown ginseng on a medium scale and will share with you a wealth of information gained from trial and error in his own adventure. For more information on this course visit and click on the Continuing Education link or call 828.733.5883. Class begins on April 24 at 6 p.m. at MCC’s Avery Learning Center. Registration for Continuing Education classes is always open and you can register and pay online.

Notary (8 Hours)

This eight-hour class prepares students for the required NC Notary Public test. To become a notary, you just be 18 years of age, have a high school diploma or GED, and pass the test given at the end of class. Preregistration and prepayment are required 24 hours before the class date. Participants must purchase and read the manual prior to the class. For more information on this course visit and click on the Continuing Education link or call 828.733.5883. Class begins on April 27 at 8 a.m. at MCC’s Avery Learning Center. Registration for Continuing Education classes is always open and you can register and pay online.


Upcoming Small Business Center Workshops at CCC&TI

Caldwell Community College and Technical Institute’s Small Business Centers offer free workshops, one-on-one assistance and many more services to help local small businesses. To reserve your seat at one of the free workshops, call 828-726-2242 or visit to register.

The following is information on upcoming free workshops:

Small Business Bootcamp

Caldwell Community College and Technical Institute’s Small Business Centers in Caldwell and Watauga County will offer a free workshop titled “Small Business Bootcamp” from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. on Wednesday, March 21 and Wednesday, April 18 at the Caldwell County Chamber of Commerce in Lenoir. The course will be offered on Wednesday, March 28 and Wednesday, April 15 from 4 p.m. to 7 p.m. at the Watauga Library in Boone. The course is for those who want to start their own business and is led by local entrepreneur David Waechter. The workshop covers the basics of getting a business off the ground and includes information on several topics including: How to name a business and why a business name is so important, registering a business with the Secretary of State, how to obtain an LLC, Sole Proprietorship, or Incorporation, how to find the proper tax forms, how to obtain a tax ID or your EIN (Employer Identification Number) from the IRS, how to set up a business checking account and credit card, how to find what licenses and permits are needed to get started, renting a space, easy and cost-effective marketing, sales and service and bookkeeping.

Energy Efficiency

Caldwell Community College and Technical Institute’s Small Business Center will offer a free workshop titled “Opportunities and Resources on Making Your Small Business More Energy Efficient” from 12 p.m. to 1 p.m. on Thursday, March 22 at the Caldwell Chamber of Commerce in Lenoir. Taught by Alex Arnold of Carolina Land and Lakes, the course will help small business property owners learn how to cut costs and save energy.

Trademark Basics

Caldwell Community College and Technical Institute’s Watauga Small Business Center will offer a free workshop titled “Trademark Basics for Your Business” from 5 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. on Thursday, March 22 at the Appalachian Enterprise Center. Taught by David Walker of North Carolina’s Small Business and Technology Development Center, the course covers the differences between patents, copyrights and trademarks, how to acquire a trademark and much more.

CCC&TI Foundation Community Campaign Begins

The Foundation of Caldwell Community College and Technical Institute held its Annual Fund Campaign kickoff luncheon on Tuesday, March 6 at the J.E. Broyhill Civic Center in Lenoir.

Featuring community leaders, campaign volunteers, and college faculty and administrators, the event starts fundraising efforts for the Foundation’s Annual Fund Drive. Peg Broyhill, Chair of the Foundation’s Board of Directors, offered opening remarks and welcomed the crowd of supporters. Broyhill also announced the goal for this year’s campaign as $370,000, the highest to date for the campaign. Broyhill also announced that the Honorable Robert Brady and Sheila Triplett-Brady will lead the 2018 Annual Fund Drive campaign.

The couple, both having taught and attended classes at CCC&TI, eagerly accepted the invitation to co-chair the campaign due to their love for lifelong learning and the vital role the college serves in the community. Triplett-Brady shared a personal story about their daughter who earned her associates degree at CCC&TI and then went on Appalachian State University. “Her time at CCC&TI gave her the confidence to finish what she hadn’t been able to finish before,” she said. “We are a family of life-long learners. We’re counting on you for a record-breaking Annual Fund Campaign.”

Deborah Murray, Vice Chair of the Foundation and Director of the Caldwell County Economic Development Commission, spoke to the group about the value of CCC&TI in the community. “CCC&TI plays a significant and critical role in recruitment and retention for many companies. In my opinion, there’s not a more valuable partner in this region’s economic development than the college,” said Murray.

CCC&TI President Dr. Mark Poarch also addressed the group, sharing the college’s success last year in serving more than 13,000 students and more than 750 curriculum graduates. He pointed out that by 2020, it is estimated that 67 percent of jobs will require some college education.

Poarch expressed his gratitude for the volunteers and their efforts each year to raise funds for the college. “We have a community of people who are dedicated to the success of our students, and we have a community of people who are committed to removing barriers for our citizens to access higher education,” said Poarch. “Without your help, the ability to attend college and the hope for a better tomorrow would not be possible for many of our students.”

Several students also spoke at the event. Bailee Burleson, Dean Church and Amy Vue shared how scholarships and assistance through the Foundation have helped them pursue their educational goals. Burleson is the first recipient of the Jack and Shirley Robbins Scholarship and is working toward a degree in Nursing. “After much hard work, my dream will become a reality this May when I graduate from CCC&TI,” said Burleson. “This scholarship was an answer to prayer and I am so thankful for this opportunity.” Ophthalmic Medical Assistant student Amy Vue echoed that sentiment. “I want to thank each of you for giving me and other students the opportunity to continue our education,” said Vue.

Broyhill introduced each of the team captains for this year’s campaign. They are Dr. Mark Poarch, Peg Broyhill, Barbara Freiman, Barbara Weiller and Joan McGee, Guy Walters, Jr. and Wayne Keller, Deborah Murray and Mary Frances Sullivan.

Foundation Executive Director Marla Christie recognized the faculty and staff members at CCC&TI, who kicked off their portion of the campaign in February. To date, the employee campaign has raised more than $30,000 and employees are continuing to bring in pledges.

CCC&TI students are also working to raise money for the campaign. The Student Government Association is hosting a Dinner and a Movie event on March 22 that will include a gourmet meal and the movie “Breathe.” All proceeds from the event will go the Foundation Annual Fund. The event is open to the public.

Board priorities for this year’s campaign include funding for scholarships, the Dream Award Program, childcare, student emergencies, academic support and professional development.

For more information on the Foundation of Caldwell Community College and Technical Institute, or to make a gift to the Annual Fund Drive, visit or contact the Foundation Office at 828-726-2260.