Village Vision’s Second Annual Talent Couture, 2/23
***Tickets are limited so please purchase in advance if possible!***
General admission $7 sold at the door only. This ticket includes some seated and some standing room… first come first serve.VIP $20 pre sale (copy and paste this link to purchase:
The Watauga County Republican Women’s Club (WCRWC) Meeting, 2/28
The Watauga County Republican Women’s Club (WCRWC) will have its next monthly meeting on Wednesday, February 28th at the Sagebrush Steakhouse in Boone, NC. The meeting will begin at noon. All interested in furthering the Republican cause in The High Country are welcome to attend and are invited to join. Call 828-832-6864 for more information. The WCRWC meets the last Wednesday of each month. Should Watauga County schools close due to weather, we will not meet.
The Appalachian Regional Library received a Library Services and Technology Act grant for a project called “Cracked, Not Broken: Maintaining and Managing Mental Health”. The library believes that friendly and collaborative civic engagement around this topic is possible hence the grant has been named the “Good Neighbor Project”.
This series of programs will engage the community in reading a common book, in discussion, and in programming related to mental health issues. The title of the book that we are featuring is “Cracked, Not Broken” by Kevin Hines.
Kevin attempted suicide by jumping off of the Golden Gate Bridge and survived; he is now a sought out speaker who tells his story in the context of managing his mental health each day as he lives with bipolar disorder.
Pick up a book at the Watauga County Public Library.
Kevin will be coming to Boone United Methodist Church on Monday, April 16 at 6:30 pm. See the logo for other dates in the region.
The library has arranged a showing of his film “SUICIDE The Ripple Effect” on March 18 at 3 pm at the Regal Theater… but only if there are enough reservations booked by March 8 … please reserve your seat today by checking out the event on our website calendar at
The full event schedule is:
Saturday, February 17 at 11 am – Random Acts of Kindness Day * Family Story Time
Tuesday, February 20 at 11 am – Express Yourself with Music by Ms. Laura Donovan
Saturday, February 17, 3 pm – Meditation with Sophia Ojha
Sunday, February 18, 4 pm – Gentle Yoga with Sandra Diaz at Neighborhood Yoga
Tuesday, February 20, 9:30 am – Laugh-A Yoga with Karen Gross
Tuesday, March 13, 5:30 pm – “Healthy Hacks” with Holly Drake
Friday, March 16, 11:30 am -Yoga for Kids
Saturday, March 17, 3 pm – Mindfulness Meditation with Sophia Ojha
Sunday, March 18, 4 pm – Gentle Yoga with Sandra Diaz at Neighborhood Yoga
Sunday, March 18: Suicide: The Ripple Effect movie at the Regal in Boone on Sunday, Mar. 18 at 3 pm – Register from
link on our website calendar,
Monday, March 19, 5:30 pm – “13 Reasons Why” with facilitated discussion by Kurt Michael, Appalachian State University
Department of Psychology
Wednesday, March 21, 3 pm – Talk Saves Lives with Betsy Rhodes
Friday, April 13, 11:30 am – Kids Yoga
Sunday, April 15, 4 pm – Gentle Yoga with Sandra Diaz at Neighborhood Yoga
Monday, April 16, 6:30 pm – Hear Kevin Hines, author of Cracked, Not Broken at Boone United Methodist Church,
New Market Boulevard, Boone
Saturday, April 21, 3 pm – Mindfulness Meditation with Sophia Ojha
Monday, April 23, 5:30 pm – “The Bridge” (2006), documentary movie (suicides at Golden Gate Bridge)
Friday, April 27, 10 am – Mental Health 101 with Ashley Cole, VAYA Health
Friday, April 27, 11:15 am – 1 pm -Suicide Prevention Training (Question, Persuade, Respond) with Ashley Cole, VAYA
The link below has the listing of our programs related to mental health: