Today’s Email Announcements

2017 Valle Country Fair Grant Application Information

To Apply for a Valle Country Fair Grant

The members of the Mission and Outreach Commission (MOC) of the Episcopal Church of the Holy Cross determine the recipients of Valle Country Fair (VCF) Grants. MOC’s mission statement is “to seek Christ in all persons, answering His call to love others and help those in need.” The deadline to apply for a 2017 VCF grant is June 2, 2017. Recipients are selected during the summer. All applicants will receive a letter via email of their grant status no later than mid-August. The Valle Country Fair takes place this year on October 21 and grants are awarded about a week afterwards at our church in Valle Crucis.

Requirements for Applicants

All applicants must be non-profit, charitable organizations serving people in need in Avery and/or Watauga County. Applications must be submitted as an attached PDF file to All applications must be received in the inbox by 5 p.m. local time Friday, June 2, 2017. Late or incomplete applications will not be considered.

I. Application Requirements: All applications must be no longer than 3 pages. Attachments or documents other than proof of charitable, non-profit status will not be considered. The application must include the following information in this order:

  1. Organization’s name and mailing address; include physical address if different from mailing address.
  2. Name, title, active email address and phone number(s) of person(s) who should receive notification of your application’s final status. Should this contact information change before MOC sends out final notifications, it is your responsibility to provide MOC with updated information.
  3. Evidence of organization’s non-profit, charitable organization status, e.g. 501(c)(3) status.
  4. Name, email address and phone number(s) of organization’s director (if different from “2”).
  5. Name, email address and phone number(s) of organization’s treasurer.
  6. Organization’s mission statement.
  7. A brief description of organization (e.g. programs, activities, population and geographic area served).
  8. Organization’s sources of income. Please include all sources.
  9. Amount of grant request.
  10. How organization will use grant funds if approved. Be specific.

II. Other Requirements:

  1. Applicants must be willing to receive a site visit by MOC members and/or appear either in person or via telephone before MOC if requested.
  2. Applicants must be willing to provide their organization’s current annual audit.
  3. Organizations selected for grants must supply a poster that illustrates its work and is suitable for outdoor display. (Because posters will be exhibited at the Fair and are exposed to the elements, they might not be returned in their original condition.)
  4. One representative from each grantee’s organization must participate in the awards ceremony at Holy Cross Church on Sunday, October 29, 2017. Please notify us who will represent your organization to no later than October 15, 2017. If no one from your organization is present on Sunday, October 29 to receive the grant, your organization may run the risk of forfeiting the grant.

III. Optional:

  1. If your organization is awarded a grant, we invite your representative(s) to the fair to volunteer a few hours and for one to address fairgoers briefly from the “main stage” about your mission.
  2. Volunteers are always needed at the Fair to participate in a variety of tasks from a couple of days before the Fair through Fair day. Note in your application if your organization is willing to get together a group of volunteers to join in the fun. Please provide a contact name, email and phone number.

Blue Ridge Conservancy Announces 2017 Guided Hike Schedule

Blue Ridge Conservancy will offer five guided hikes, including the Kids in Nature Hikes, from April to October.  The first hike of the series and is scheduled for Saturday, April 15th at Camp Lutherock in Avery County.

“This is a great chance to get outside and explore some new places in the High Country that you wouldn’t normally have the opportunity to hike,” said Nikki Bauman, Blue Ridge Conservancy’s Communications and Outreach Associate.

To sign up for a hike please visit Each Saturday hike is considered strenuous, ranging from 3-6 miles. We meet at 9am, with each hike lasting a few hours, depending on the group’s pace.

On the Kids in Nature hike we will explore the Boone United Trail to learn more about what’s living in the forests in our own backyards. Plan to join your child for a fun-filled morning of adventure on this easy, ~1.5 hour Boone area hike.

Directions and hiking logistics will be emailed to those signed up the week prior to the hike. All hikes are guided by a naturalist and BRC’s staff, and are free to BRC members. Non-members are encouraged to sign up for a membership prior to the hike.

BRC 2017 Hike Schedule

Saturday, April 15 Hike: Camp Lutherock

Wednesday June 21 Kids in Nature Hike: Boone United Trail

Saturday July 15 Hike: Old Orchard Creek Blueberry Farm

Saturday, August 19 Hike: Pond Mountain Traditional & Challenge Route

Saturday, October 7 Hike: Blue Ridge Parkway Waterfall Hike

About Blue Ridge Conservancy

Blue Ridge Conservancy (BRC) is a private, non-profit, non-governmental organization incorporated in North Carolina. BRC has protected over 20,000 acres in Alleghany, Ashe, Avery, Mitchell, Watauga, Wilkes and Yancey Counties.  In addition to protecting working farmland, BRC’s efforts have resulted in the creation of state natural areas like Beech Creek Bog, Bear Paw State Natural Area and Bullhead Mountain. We continue to help Elk Knob State Park and Grandfather Mountain State Park expand their borders and established Pond Mountain Game Land in Ashe County.  More information about Blue Ridge Conservancy is available at

Great American Backyard Campout at Elk Knob State Park on Saturday, June 24th

Novice campers are invited to join the Rangers at Elk Knob State Park for an enjoyable night of camping on Saturday, June 24 beginning no earlier than 2:30 pm. This is the ninth year that Elk Knob has participated in the campout which introduces families to the joy of camping without the expense of buying equipment. It is a great event for two main reasons: it allows participants a night of supervised camping at Elk Knob State Park, and we provide the tents, dinner, s’mores and interesting programs to fill the night with entertainment. Participants should bring their own snacks, non-alcoholic beverages, breakfast for Sunday morning, and their own sleeping bags or blankets. The campout is free, but REGISTRATION IS REQUIRED by June 19. You may register by calling 828-297-7261. Adults must accompany children. Children must be 6 years and older. Pets are not allowed. Don’t miss a great opportunity to try camping without the expense involved. It may be the start of a new hobby for the family.

Activities begin at 4 pm so arrive early enough to get set up and be ready to enjoy the activities.

Upcoming Events at Heritage Hall Theatre in Mountain City

Saturday, April 8, 7pm – Wayne Henderson and Friends

Wayne Henderson’s top-notch finger-picking is a source of great pleasure and pride to his friends, family and neighbors in Grayson County, Virginia. His guitar playing has also been enjoyed at Carnegie Hall, in three national tours of Masters of the Steel-String Guitar, and in seven nations in Asia.Wayne’s genuine personality tinged with colorful mountain stories, musical talent, and a magnetic stage presence all combine in him to create a magical experience for the Heritage Hall patrons as he returns each year to a packed house.

Saturday, April 29, 7 pm – Classic Nashville Road Show

The Classic Nashville Road Show will feature Katie Deal and Jason Petty in a glorious tribute to country music legends. Remember when June fell for Johnny and Loretta was just a coal miner’s daughter? Let Classic Nashville Roadshow take you on a journey down memory lane with your favorite classic hits honoring the world’s most beloved country greats! Starring Jason Petty and Katie Deal, Classic Nashville Roadshow features renowned duets, such as Golden Ring; Louisiana Woman, Mississippi Man and Jackson; poignant tunes like Crazy and He Stopped Loving Her Today; and gospel traditions such as Will the Circle Be Unbroken. Adv $20/Door $23

Heritage Hall is a nonprofit organization dedicated to serving the area with quality live entertainment. Most evening shows start at 7pm; most tickets are $10 advance and $12 at door, and most youth seats are $5. For tickets, or reservations, call 423-727-7444 and leave a message. The Box Office is normally open on Tuesday – Friday, 12 – 2 pm at 126 College Street. For more information visit