Over Yonder Presents Next Feature Chef in Rising Chefs of Appalachia Pop-up Series, Wed. 2/15
Over Yonder hosts “Una Noche Espanola: Spanish Tapas in the High Country”–a night centered around Hispanic cuisine with featured chef Christina Fasanello on Wednesday, Feb. 15. The event takes place at the Over Yonder Restaurant in Valle Crucis. Tickets are $45, but there is a discounted price at $30 for food industry workers.
For more information about the event and the menu, visit the website or call 828-963-6301.
The Horton Hotel in Downtown Boone Hosts GroundBreaking, Feb. 23
The Horton Hotel in Downtown Boone is hosting what is called GroundBreaking from 5-7 p.m. on Friday, Feb. 23. There will be refreshments and snacks served to those in attendance.
The event takes place at 611 W. King St. For more information about the event, call 828-202-4262.
Appalachian State to Host Indiana in NWCA Dual Championship Series
Appalachian State University wrestling will host Indiana on Feb. 19 at 3 p.m. in Varsity Gym as part of the 2017 NWCA Division I Dual Championship Series presented by The United States Marine Corps and Theraworx, the National Wrestling Coaches Association announced on Monday.
Fans can now purchase tickets online at appstatesports.com/tickets. Tickets cost $10 for adults and $5 for students and youth. A reminder to Appalachian State wrestling season ticket owners that this special event is not included your 2016-17 package. All tickets will be general admission.
The first 150 students who show their student ID at the door will be allowed to enter the event free of charge.
Parking for the event will be available in Rivers Street Parking Deck and Peacock Lot. Parking will be free of charge and available on a first-come-first-serve basis.
All matches a part of the 2017 NWCA Division I Dual Championship Series will be streamed live on TrackWrestling. The link for Appalachian State’s match against the Hoosiers will be accessible on the appstatesports.com’s MatchDay Central page when available.
BRAHM Presents “Jack Tales and Beech Mountain Storytellers” on Feb. 16
On Thursday, Feb. 16, at 11:00 a.m., join Dr. Sandra Ballard as she presents a talk on Jack Tales. Jack Tales are stories about a boy called Jack – as in “Jack and the Beanstalk.” Western North Carolina, especially the area of Beech Mountain, northwest of Blowing Rock, has a particularly rich tradition of oral storytelling that goes back several generations. Dr. Ballard will discuss the Beech Mountain storytellers, such as Ray Hicks and folklorists and Appalachian Studies scholars Bill Lightfoot and Cratis Williams.
The talk will be accompanied by locally-baked goodies from Ugga Mugga Bakery and coffee from Boone-based Hatchet Coffee Company.