Joe Miller, owner of Cheap Joe’s Art Stuff, to speak at High Country Writers!
Former Boone pharmacist Joe Miller, current owner of Cheap Joe’s Art Stuff, will be the featured presenter at the High Country Writers on Thursday, February 9, 2017. Miller, a signature member of the American Watercolor Society and recipient of its 2006 coveted Dolphin Award (for his generous philanthropic works on behalf of all water media artists and their societies), will present With a Warm Handshake, a one-man dramatic presentation in which he portrays Theo van Gogh, brother of the celebrated artist Vincent van Gogh. His interest in Theo van Gogh was shaped by attending a large exhibition of Vincent’s van Gogh’s drawings and paintings at New York’s Metropolitan Museum of Art in November of 1986. Additional interest came later when he read The Complete Letters of Vincent van Gogh. Many, if not most, of these letters were sent to his brother Theo.
Miller wrote the play in the mid-1980’s and has performed it throughout the United States to public schools and libraries, art clubs, hospitals, workshops and conferences, including the Mint Museum in Charlotte, NC, the Dallas Art Museum, the South Carolina Psychiatry Association and the Smithsonian Museum in Washington, D.C.
Please Note: Unlike regularly scheduled meetings of the HCW at the Watauga County Public Library, this special presentation of With a Warm Handshake will be given at Cheap Joe’s Art Stuff, 374 Industrial Park Drive, Boone, NC 28607. Parking spaces are at the right of Cheap Joe’s. Please enter through the Retail Store on the left side of the building. The program will begin promptly at 10:00am.
Amateur Radio Operators at Linville Land Harbor
Setup: 9 am on Jan 28th
Start: 2 pm on Jan 28
End: 2 pm on Jan 29
This is a 24 hour event.
Public invited to Japanese Anime Comic Con at WCC this Friday
Wilkes Community College invites the public to participate in the Japanese Anime Comic Con on Friday, January 27, from noon until 4 p.m. The event will take place in the ECMD Commons in Alumni Hall on the Wilkes Campus.
The event will include a number of features.
- Costume Contest – Registration for the costume contest will be 12:00-12:25 p.m. The contest will begin at 12:30 p.m. Contestants have the option to dress up as their favorite Japanese anime character or other comic character. There will be a station stocked with makeup, face paint and accessories. For those who attend the event but come without a costume, the college will have some clothing available for loan. Students will be available to help with makeup and costumes. A $5.00 deposit and email address will be collected from anyone borrowing a costume and accessories; the deposit will be returned once the borrowed items are returned. Winners will be announced at 1:00 p.m. in Alumni Hall Room 1112. Prizes will be awarded.
- Anime Art Contest – Registration for the anime art contest will be 12:00-12:30 p.m. Any medium can be entered into the contest. Judging will take place at 12:45 p.m., and winners will be announced at 1:00 in Alumni Hall Room 1112. Prizes will be awarded
- “History and Trends of Japanese Anime and Manga” – Jere Miles, game design instructor for the Computer Technology Integration program, will present “The History and Trends of Japanese Anime and Manga” from 1:00-2:00 p.m. in Alumni Hall Room 1112. Before the presentation, projected displays will show Japanese anime vocabulary words and phrases and their definitions.
- Sushi Making Workshop – A Culinary Arts chef will lead a sushi making workshop from 1:00-2:00 p.m. in the Alumni Hall game room.
- Music Entertainment – A sound system will play music from Japanese anime films compiled by Jere Miles.
- Bubble Tea, Japanese Candy and More – Students and guests will be invited to enjoy bubble tea, Japanese candy, and more, including an informational table on life in Japan hosted by English Instructor Andy Hayes and his wife, Yuki, who previously lived and taught in Japan.
- “Spirited Away” by Hayao Miyazaki – From 2:00-4:00 p.m., the film “Spirited Away” by Hayao Miyazaki will be showing in Alumni Hall Room 1112.