Weekly Events at Lost Province Brewing Company
January2, 2017-January 8, 2017
Short List
Wednesday, 1/04/17- Trivia at 7pm.
Friday, 1/06/17-Live Music: The Paper Crowns at 7:30pm.
Saturday, 1/07/17- Live Music with Alexa Rose Band at 7:30pm.
Wednesday, 01/11/17-Trivia at 7pm.
Friday, 01/13/17-Live Music featuring Good Vibes Jazz Trio with Lauren Hayworth at 7:30pm.
Saturday, 01/014/17- Live Music with Major Seven’s Duo at 7:30pm.
Monday January 2
Family Night-Buy any regularly priced pizza and receive one free kid’s meal.
Wednesday January 4
7pm-9pm Trivia Night: Beginning at 7pm, Lost Province will be hosting Trivia Night. Compete on your own or on a team! The competition gets started at 7pm so come a little early for a pizza and a pint and get your seat!
Thursday January 5
$3.00 Thursday-$3.00 pints on all Lost Province brewed beers (except high gravity).
Friday January 6
7:30pm-Closing Live Music: The Paper Crowns. The Paper Crowns make two-piece acoustic music sound huge! They are stomping on drums while they are plucking strings and singing harmonies often all at the same time! There’s nobody doing it like The Paper Crowns are doing it. It’s hard to find a truly unique band…on top of that it’s hard to find a band that delivers the emotional spectrum from sweet and heartbreaking earnest ballads to barn burning gypsy raving conga frenzied sweaty dance tunes. The Paper Crowns will bring you all that and then some! The Paper Crowns are solid players on their instruments….see this amazing band live! They pride their sets on improvisation mixed with fine compositions and great lyrics. Most of all, The Paper Crowns want you to feel good and feel recharged when you listen to their music….it’s full of heart and soul and all of the good old spirit that’s still roaming the land.
Saturday January 7
7:30-Closing Live Music: Alexa Rose Band- Alexa Rose. Virginia-born singer-songwriter Alexa Rose spent her formative years writing songs on a hand-me-down guitar in a little mountain town, and scaled down the Blue Ridge to settle in Western North Carolina in 2013. She has been called a “rising voice of the region,” sharing the stage with artists like Joy Ike and Jessica Lea Mayfield, and winning Asheville’s acclaimed Brown Bag Songwriting Contest in 2016. Rose’s sophomore album “Low and Lonesome” is, at heart, a folk songwriter’s album; the simple arrangements lend themselves to the frankness of Rose’s masterful phrasing, allowing the natural beauty of her warbling soprano to transport the listener to new places through familiar territory. Rose’s nonchalant delivery ebbs and flows in optimal sync with her band. The album features Pretty Little Goat String band members Tim Fisher on fiddle and JT Linville on bass.
Sunday January 8
Lost Province Sunday: Residents of “The Lost Province” (Watauga, Ashe, Avery and Alleghany) receive 10% off food with verification of residency.
January Programs at Elk Knob State Park
Spider Science
Come hear about the lives of spiders, why they do what they do, and
how they function. Meet at the park office Saturday, January 21 at
2:00 pm.
Spider Culture
Spiders have always fascinated/horrified humans. Come see what we’ve
learned from them and how we’ve woven them into our culture. Meet at
the park office Saturday, January 28 at 2:00 pm.
Release courtesy of Conference Carolinas
Lees-McRae Named Finalist for 2017 Division II Award of Excellence
INDIANAPOLIS, IND. – 24 schools and one conference were named
finalists for the 2017 Division II Award of Excellence, an accolade
recognizing positive campus and community engagement events hosted
during the past year. Representing Conference Carolinas was Lees-McRae
Each year, Division II selects one finalist from each conference and
one independent representative to be recognized for events that
exemplify any of the six Division II attributes: learning, balance,
resourcefulness, sportsmanship, passion and service. Each finalist
will receive $500.
Lees-McRae was named a finalist for its ‘Lunch Buddy Program’, which
saw members of the men’s basketball team each lunch once a week with
students from Banner Elk Elementary School. The program was part of an
initiative to get the Lees-McRae student-athletes more involved with
the local elementary school.
Two runner-up recipients and one overall winner will be announced
during the Division II Business Session at the 2017 NCAA Convention on
Jan. 21 in Nashville, Tennessee. The winner will receive $1,500 and a
nationally televised football or basketball game during the 2017-18
season. The first runner-up will receive $1,250, and the second
runner-up will receive $1,000. All prize money is expected to be used
on future community engagement initiatives
For more information of Lees-McRae Athletics, follow us on our social
media sites on Twitter (@LMCBobcats), Facebook (Lees-McRae Athletics)
and on Instagram (leesmcraeathletics)
Noyes Capehart Long
Press Coordinator
High Country Writers
(828) 264-0685 / capehart@charter.net
Authors Larry C. Timbs, Jr. and Michael Manual to Speak at High Country Writers
Regional authors Larry C. Timbs, Jr. and Michael Manuel will be the featured presenters at the Thursday, January 12th meeting of the High Country Writers at the Watauga County Public Library in Boone. The Library is located at 140 Queen Street. They will share with the HCW their unique marketing approach and talk about their recent release, Justice for Toby. The program is free and open to the public.
Larry C. Timbs, Jr. is a Vietnam era veteran (USAF) who has a Ph.D. in mass communications from the University of Iowa. He worked professionally in community journalism – as a reporter, photographer, editor and general manager – for six years. Timbs taught journalism at Winthrop University for 27 years. His family roots are in the mountains of East Tennessee. He and Michael Manual co-wrote their first mystery/romance/history Fish Springs: Beneath the Surface in 2009. Michael Manual and his wife Joyce live on a mountain overlooking Watauga Lake near Hampton, Tennessee. They like to hike on the Appalachian Trail and kayak on the lake. His screen writing ultimately led to the co-writing of Fish Springs: Beneath the Surface, his and Larry Timbs’ first published novel. Manuel and Timbs released their new book, Justice for Toby: A Fish Springs Novel, in June of 2016. Set in the years following the Civil War, freedman Isaiah discovers a human skeleton in rural Tennessee wearing a token belonging to a missing friend. Landowner Daniel Smith and his family are white people with a conscience, so Isaiah is not alone in seeking justice for Toby.
High Country Writers has been “energizing writers since 1995!” Regular meetings are at the Watauga County Public Library on the second and fourth Thursdays of most months from ten until noon and speakers’ programs are co-sponsored with the Library. HCW members present writing skills workshops on the first Thursday of the month, and have recently partnered with the Watauga Arts Council in hosting these workshops. In the event of inclement weather which dictates the closure of the Library, the High Country Writers Program will be canceled. For more information and a current calendar, visit the website: http://high countrywriters.tripod.com/. Guests are welcome.