Today’s Email Announcements

Torch Meeting with Ken Shull Oct. 10 at Sagebrush

The monthly meeting of Torch: A Forum For Reasoned Discourse will be held at the Sagebrush Restaurant onMonday, October 10th at 11:30 am.  Those attending may choose from a $10 menu and enjoy the noon presentation by retired ASU biology professor Dr. Ken Shull entitled The Ethics Of Ecology.  Information contact Roland Moy

Festival of Trees at Chetola Dec. 1-4 to Benefit Western Youth Network


The McMillans in Concert and Fellowship Dinner at Bethel Baptist Oct. 9

The McMillans will be in concert at Bethel Baptist Church at 6:00 pm on Sunday, October 9th. Everyone is invited to join us for a great evening. A complimentary supper and desert fellowship will follow the concert! Bethel Church is located at 123 Mountain Dale Road in Vilas across from Bethel School.

Blue Ridge Parkway Ranger Programs Oct. 5-10

Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Cone Manor – Milepost 294

10:30 am-12:00 – Informal Upstairs Tour at Cone Manor

The second floor of Cone Manor will be open for a do-it-yourself tour. Rangers will be on hand to answer questions.

Friday, October 7, 2015

 Cone Manor – Milepost 294

3:00-5:00 – Cone Cemetery Walk

Join Rangers Susan and Chuck for a walk to the Cone Cemetery. Meet at the front steps of Cone Manor.

Cone Manor – Milepost 294

10:30 am -12:00– Informal Upstairs Tour at Cone Manor

The second floor of Cone Manor will be open for a do-it-yourself tour. Rangers will be on hand to answer questions.

Saturday, October 9, 2016

Cone Manor – Milepost 294

10:00 am – 11:00 – Coyotes in Our Midst

Visit with a ranger on the porch at Cone Manor to learn about coexisting with an adaptable and resilient carnivore that has greatly expanded its habitat in the last 150 years.

Cone Manor – Milepost 294

11:00 am – Upstairs Guided Tour at Cone Manor

Ranger led tour of the second floor of the former home of Moses and Bertha Cone. See Sunday below for details.

Cone Manor – Milepost 294

1:30 pm-3:00 – Informal Upstairs Tour at Cone Manor

The second floor of Cone Manor will be open for a do-it-yourself tour. Rangers will be on hand to answer questions.

Julian Price Campground Amphitheater – Milepost 296

7:00 p.m. – Come meet accomplished travel editor and writer Randy Johnson. He has just published Grandfather Mountain: the History and Guide to an Appalachian Icon. Come listen to this renowned author speak about the majesty of Grandfather Mountain.

Sunday, October 10, 2016

 Cone Manor – Milepost 294

10:00, 11:00, 2:00, 3:00 -Upstairs Tours at Cone Manor

Ranger led tours of the second floor of the former home of Moses and Bertha Cone. Tour is approximately 45 minutes long and reservations are required. To reserve a tour: call 828-295-3782 or sign up at the NPS information desk at the Manor House. Reservations are accepted beginning at 10:00am Friday for the upcoming weekend only. No advance reservations, please.


Special thanks to Blue Ridge Parkway Foundation, Eastern National, and FRIENDS of the Blue Ridge Parkway for their financial support of these programs

Inquiries regarding the Blue Ridge Parkway and its activities are welcomed and should be addressed to:

Superintendent Blue Ridge Parkway

199 Hemphill Knob Road

Asheville, NC 28803