One-Day Conference Sept. 24 at ASU: “The Value of a Tree”
Join us for a one-day conference on “The Value of a Tree.” Invited speakers from a wide range of viewpoints will gather to share ideas and learn from one other. Too often we only hear one side of a story. This is an opportunity to hear many points of view and to share your own. Through knowledge based discourse we can locate our commonalities, leading to an increased sense of the value and legitimacy of differing perspectives and motivations. Trees represent different values to different people and the first step in managing our delicate ecosystems is to understand the roles that wood and forests play in our lives and in the lives of other creatures, and how these interact. The conference seeks to bridge gaps in our understanding and challenges us to expand our view of trees.
8am Registration
8:45am Morning Session Begins
Noon Lunch
1:15pm Afternoon Session Begins
4:30pm Wrap-up
Virginia Dale, Oak Ridge National Laboratory
ORNL Corporate Fellow, science advisor for EPA, DOD, DOE, USDA, DOI
David Finck, David Finck Violins
Luthier, woodworker, instructor, author
Linda Heath, U.S. Forest Service
Director of Inventory, Monitoring, and Assessment Research
Kristian Jackson, Appalachian State University
Mountain bike instructor, trail builder, photographer
Tom Johnson, Timberland Investment Resources
Managing director, client services and business development
Ash Morgan, Appalachian State University
Assistant Director of the Center for Economic Research and Policy Analysis
Howard Neufeld, Appalachian State University
Plant physiologist, pollution impacts specialist, and fall color expert
Rick Van Noy, Radford University
Author, environmental advocate, outdoorsman
Registration is free and lunch is provided, however, space is limited so register early.
Details and registration can be found at:
Appalachian Workshops on
the Environment, presented by
The Value of a Tree
A One-Day Conference on September 24, 2016
Plemmons Student Union, Appalachian State
Appalachian’s Research Institute for
Environment, Energy, and Economics
Senior Center to Host “Get Up and Go” at BUMC Sept. 29
The Lois E. Harrill Senior Center in partnership with the Adult Services Coalition is excited to offer the second annual Get Up and Go event on Thursday September 29th from 9am-Noon at Boone United Methodist Church. September is fall prevention awareness month and this program is designed to teach individuals and caregivers techniques on how to safely get up after a fall and ways to strengthen the body to try and prevent falls. The event is provided at no cost, breakfast will be provided and door prizes will be available. Following the presentation by Pam Hagaman and Watauga Medics there will be a falls expo with fall screenings. Please call Jen Teague at 265-8090 with questions.
Computer Basics Courses at CCC&TI
Caldwell Community College and Technical Institute’s Continuing Education and Workforce Development division will offer a Computer Basics Course as part of its Human Resource Development program.
The course is designed to introduce students to basic computer use, including how to navigate email, use the internet and create documents. No prior computer experience is necessary. Cost of the course is $125 but fees may be waived for those who qualify.
The course will be offered multiple times and on both the Caldwell and Watauga Campuses of CCC&TI.
Following is a list of upcoming dates and times for the Computer Basics Course:
Caldwell Campus
Sept. 27 to Oct. 27 on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m.
Oct. 18 to Nov. 17 on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 5 p.m. to 8 p.m.
Nov. 8 to Dec. 15 on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m.
Watauga Campus
Oct. 18 to Nov. 17 on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 5:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.
For more information on this course or to register, call 828-726-2242 (Caldwell) or 828-297-3811 (Watauga).
Susan G. Komen Volunteer Orientation Sept. 24
“Please join us for our Volunteer Orientation & Open House on Saturday, September 24, 2016 from 10am-12pm. This is an opportunity for new volunteers to meet committee members, volunteers and survivors, learn about Komen NWNC and mingle with other Komen NWNC volunteers. Our orientation is open to anyone interested in volunteering with Komen Northwest NC.
Call for more information: 336-721-0037
Komen Northwest NC — along with those generously supporting us with their talent, time and resources — works to better the lives of those facing breast cancer in our community. Through events like the Race for the Cure®, we have invested more than $6.3 million in local breast health and breast cancer awareness projects in our 22-county service area and contributed over $2.1 million to national research grants. 75% of net proceeds raised by Komen Northwest NC stay in our service area. The remaining income goes to the National Susan G. Komen® Grants Program for energizing science to find the cures.