GriefShare at Mount Vernon Baptist Aug. 28 – Dec. 11
Mount Vernon Baptist Church hosts GriefShare,
a grief support group on Sunday afternoons from
4:00-6:00 pm. The fall 2016 session runs
August 28 – December 11.
New members are welcome and may join at anytime!
MVBC Minister of Education and Administration, Rev. Bud Russell, a seasoned GriefShare facilitato
For more information check out
or call our office 828.266.9700.
Preregistration is not required, but is appreciated.
Beech Mountain Veterans Celebration Aug. 13
State Bird Commemorated on Forever Stamp
North Carolina’s state bird has been commemorated on a Forever stamp. The Northern Cardinal appears as one of our Songbirds in Snow stamps that were just issued last week. Here’s the link to the news release:
They’re available in many Post Offices already, and customers also can order them online at Here’s the direct link:
2-0_USPS16STA045b.jpg – Songbirds in Snow – Northern Cardinal 0-0_USPS16STA045.jpg – Songbirds in Snow – Golden-crownedKinglet 1-0_USPS16STA045a.jpg – Songbirds in Snow – Cedar Waxwings 3-0_USPS16STA045c.jpg – Songbirds in Snow – Red-breasted Nuthatch 4-0_USPS16STA045d.jpg – Songbirds in Snow – All four stamps |
Upcoming Programs at the Senior Center
1) Register now for a Free 9 week Gentle Exercise program approved by the Arthritis Foundation. Begins on Tuesday, Sept. 6th ,2016, and continues eachTuesday and Thursday-10am-11am until Oct. 27th. This class is great for anyone with limited mobility or those who just need to begin a good whole body exercise program that enhances well being.
The Instructor is Arthritis Foundation Certified. This program is designed to build strength, increase flexibility and range of motion, if done twice per week.
Location: Western Watauga Community Center, Sugar Grove, NC. Sign up at the senior center by August 31st. Call 828-297-5195.
2) We need some good Rook card players at the Western Watauga Senior Center! If you don’t know how to play, we have some great teachers to show you how! Come to Western Watauga Senior Center anytime from 9-11:30 am!
3) Seniors, stay in shape by doing some line dancing and tap dancing! We have a certified dance instructor that will teach you! Come join in the funMonday and Thursday mornings at the Western Watauga Senior Center! Call828-297-5195 to sign up!
(There is no charge to attend. Any age may attend but persons aged sixty and older will be given priority if class size exceeds space available.)