Today’s Email Announcements

Caldwell Arts Council Calling Sculptors

Caldwell Arts Council (a Caldwell County, NC non-profit) announces the 31st annual Sculpture Celebration in Lenoir, NC on Saturday September 10, 2016.

Sculptors are invited to bring up to 3 sculptures for this one-day competition for $11,000 in cash awards and potential sales. No commission in event of sales. This annual event brings sculptors and buyers from the eastern United States to Lenoir, North Carolina for this event. Early registration discounts available.

For additional details, contact the Caldwell Arts Council, 828-754-2486,, or visit

Grants Available for Heritage Projects

ASHEVILLE, NC – JUNE 15, 2016: The Blue Ridge National Heritage Area Partnership has announced its 2016 Heritage Grants Program, which will provide funding for projects that preserve, interpret, and promote Western North Carolina’s agricultural, craft, Cherokee, music, and natural heritage. These five distinctive legacies earned the region a Congressional designation as a National Heritage Area in 2003.

“Western North Carolina is exceptionally rich in heritage and cultural traditions,” said BRNHA Executive Director Angie Chandler. “Our grants help organizations across the region shine a spotlight on this heritage and make it an economic asset for our towns and communities.”

Nonprofit organizations, academic institutions, and units of state and local governments are eligible to apply. Applicants must provide at least an equal match. The total pool of funding for the 2016 grant cycle is $180,000.

Over the past twelve years, the Blue Ridge National Heritage Area Partnership has awarded 133 grants totaling over $1.9 million to projects that preserve, interpret, and develop the heritage resources of the region. These awards have in turn leveraged over $4 million in state, local, and private matches.

Grants awarded in previous cycles have supported exhibits, demonstration gardens, oral history collections, video documentaries, interpretive programs, teaching materials, artist training, visitor brochures, and the marketing of heritage destinations. The grant projects have provided engaging and authentic heritage experiences to hundreds of thousands of visitors and residents.

The deadline for grant applications is October 3, 2016. Complete information on the 2016 Heritage Grants Program can be found at

Grant Information Sessions

BRNHA staff will hold several grant information sessions around the BRNHA region in July 2016. Attendance is optional, but is recommended for those who have not attended information sessions for previous BRNHA grant cycles. Please review the grant guidelines on the BRNHA website and RSVP to Rob Bell ( or 828-298-5330, ext. 308) if you plan to attend a session.

The dates and locations for the meetings are:


Thursday, July 7, 2016

2:00 – 3:00 pm

Museum of the Cherokee Indian

589 Tsali Boulevard

Cherokee, NC


Thursday, July 14, 2016

2:00 – 3:00 pm

Marion Train Depot

58 Depot Street

Marion, NC


Monday, July 18, 2016

2:00 – 3:00 pm

Wilkes Heritage Museum

100 East Main Street

Wilkesboro, NC


Tuesday, July 26, 2016

11:00 am – 12:00 noon

NC Department of Natural and Cultural Resources Western Office

176 Riceville Road

Asheville, NC

NatuRally Beech Weekend July 2-3

On Saturday and Sunday, July 2nd and 3rd the Town of Beech Mountain will host its first Annual NatuRally Beech Weekend. This naturalist-rally style event will feature naturalist and expert-led programs, hikes, and workshops on our local environment.

Saturday, July 2nd Schedule of Events:

10:30 am – Heirloom Apples of Beech Mountain & the High Country (Doug Hundley, NC Agricultural Extension-Avery County)

12:30 pm – Lunch*

1:00 pm – Bears and Bear Safe Communities (Tanya Poole, NC Wildlife Commission)

2:30 pm – Gardening with Native Plants (Dr. Annkatrin Rose, Appalachian State University)

8:00 pm – Twilight Hike (Ranger Luke Appling, Grandfather Mountain State Park)

Sunday, July 3rd Schedule of Events:

9:00 am – Native Plants for the Landscape (Paige Patterson, NC Agricultural Extension – Watauga Co.)

10:00 am – Beech Creek Bog Hike* (Kelsey Stines, Beech Mountain Parks & Recreation) **Meet at EMO Baselot**

2:00 pm – Birds of Prey & Snakes w/ live animals! (Ranger JR Tinch, Roan Mountain State Park)

4:00 pm – Salamanders of the High Country (Amanda Smithson, Beech Mountain Parks & Recreation)

7:00 pm – Sunset Photography Workshop (Joey Brower, Nomadic Traveler Photography)

All programs and hikes with the exception of the Beech Creek Bog Hike will take place at/begin from the Buckeye Recreation Center, 1330 Pine Ridge Road, Beech Mountain NC 28604. Bog Hike will depart from the EMO Baselot, across from Beech Mountain Town Hall.

Fred’s Deli will be providing bagged lunches for the event. Choices include a garden salad for $6 (please request dressing), a turkey & swiss sandwich on wheat, or a roast beef & American on white for $5.50. Sandwiches come with a bag of chips and a cookie. Please contact the recreation center with your meal request and payment no later than Friday, July 1st at 4:00 pm if you would like to reserve a lunch.

If you would like more information about this topic, please contact Amanda Smithson at 828-387-3003 or email at

Western Square Dancing at Linville Land Harbor

Western Square Dancing Linville Land Harbor Recreation Center 20 Linville Harbor Pkwy, Newland, NC 28657 Plus Dancing with announced advancedby National Callers on Sundays. Schedule: 1:30-2:00PM advanced 2:00-4:00PM plus. Dress is square dance attire or dressy casual. June 19th Patty Greene, Monroe, NC; and June 26thJerry Biggerstaff, Marion, NC Linville Land Harbor Advanced Dancing from June 1st until late September. Dress is casual. Every Monday starting June 6th 7-9PM Jerry Biggerstaff, Marion, NC Every Weds starting June 1st 7-9PM Ron Libby, Land Harbor.

June 18 Wordkeepers Event in West Jefferson

The next Wordkeepers event will be held Saturday, June 18, from 4:00 – 6:00 p.m. at the Ashe County Arts Council in West Jefferson (303 W. School Street). Wordkeepers is free and open to the public.

Wordkeepers features writers reading their latest works in five-minute open microphone time slots. Refreshments are provided.  Writers interested in reading from their work should email Chris Arvidson at to secure their first-come, first-served spot on the bill, and to receive guidelines for reading. Wordkeepers was created by local writers Chris Arvidson, Julie Townsend and Scot Pope, who have edited two anthology collections about the region.