By Tzar Wilkerson
The Three Forks Baptist Association’s executive council held an emergency meeting on Tuesday to accept Garland Honeycutt’s resignation. Honeycutt has served as the TBFA’s Executive Associational Missionary since his election on May 1, 2017. Under his guidance, the TFBA had pursued goals of unity and revitalization in the 35 churches in their association.
According to a statement from the TBFA, “Garland’s resignation comes after the leadership of the Three Forks Baptist Association and Avery Baptist Association learned of personal and moral failure during his tenure as our executive associational missionary.” Garland has also served for five years as the Director of Missions with the Avery Baptist Association’s 23 Southern Baptist Churches. While the statement emphasizes the value of Honeycutt’s contributions to the Associations in the past, they are firm on the point that he is unsuitable for church leadership. Both the TBFA’s statement and Garland’s resignation express deep sorrow and regret over Honeycutt’s departure but are hopeful about his journey towards repentance.
Below is Honeycutt’s resignation letter:
May 14, 2019
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
It is with a heavy heart and great remorse that I tender my resignation as Associational Missionary for the respective Avery and Three Forks Baptist Associations, effective immediately. Due to a personal and moral failure, I have brought embarrassment upon myself, my Lord, His Church, and the Kingdom. In an effort to deal with my failure in a forthright manner, it is my intent to step away from active ministry and deliberately pursue repentance, healing, and restoration. I ask for your prayerful support as I engage in this journey. Thank you for the honor and the privilege of serving alongside of you in Kingdom work for the past several years. It has been a joy to work with you in the task of encouraging and challenging churches to be on mission for the sake of the Gospel. I thank God for all that we have accomplished together. Please, keep me in your prayers during the days to come, as I begin this season of transition.
Grace and peace, Garland H. Honeycutt
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