Shagging at the Blowing Rock This Past Saturday Was an Incredible Success

Crowds enjoying the Shagging at the Blowing Rock


By Elly Murray

The Blowing Rock Attraction had their 2nd Annual Shagging at the Rock this past Saturday, and just like last year, it was an absolute hit.

The energy was alive and buzzing at the Blowing Rock Attraction, as people from all walks of life gathered to dance their pants off to some energizing music. There were the professional shaggers, who absolutely owned the temporary dance floor in front of the band, the big families who hung out under pre-purchased white tents, and the tourists, who were just excited to get to be a part of our community’s culture and music.

Charlie Sellers, the mayor of Blowing Rock and general manager of the Blowing Rock Attraction, thought the performance went really well and that, “The entertainers were fabulous, they held out with the weather, and there were no real problems.”

Silk Groove and Eric and the Chill Tones were both very inspirational and talented bands. They really moved the crowd into an upbeat, dancey kind of mood with their funky music.

Wayne Euliss, a real crowd-pleaser with his impersonation of Elvis, was a huge success at getting the crowd on their feet, dancing and yelling along to his music. As Sellers commented, “Elvis was a hit, as always.”

The Tams, the final performance of the night, played for nearly two hours, causing the performances to end at 8:15 p.m. No one minded, of course, because they were so engaged in the Tams’ outstanding performance that they didn’t even notice the time slipping by. Sellers concluded that, “everybody seemed to have a really good time.”

The performance did have a bit of rain, but fortunately it was only for 20 minutes, and then they got all the sound equipment back up and running in an hour. Sellers discussed the dedication of the crowd, saying, “Most of the people that were here just stayed and crowded underneath tents or went in the gift shops. They waited for the rain to quit, and then went back out and dried off their chairs.”

The Blowing Rock Attraction is looking at having another Shagging at the Blowing Rock next year, but that one will be later in June. As Sellers put it, “that gives people time to bring their kids, who will be out of school by then.”

The Shagging at the Blowing Rock may be over, but don’t worry! The Blowing Rock Attraction is hosting another music performance at the end of the summer.

The 5th Annual Blowing Rock Music Festival on September 15 will feature tried and true entertainers like the Shelby Rae Moore Band, the Harris Brothers, and Wayne Henderson. In addition, Sellers is proud to say that, “we’ve got a new lineup which includes Strictly Clean and Decent, the Robertson Boys, South Carolina Broadcasters, the Jeff Little Trio, Soul Benefactor, and the Dave Braun Band.”

Fireworks, as always, will close out the evening, and the performance promises to be a spectacular show of local and regional talent.

The Blowing Rock Attraction is located on Highway 321 South. For more information on the Blowing Rock Music Festival please call 828-295-7111 or visit their website at


The band moves the crowd onto their feet


Silk Groove


Silk Groove


Concert-goers clap along to the upbeat music


Relaxing under the VIP tents


Nice and shady under the tents!