The Boone Mall Hosts Annual Veterans’ Day Celebration on Tuesday, Nov. 11, Starting at 11 a.m.

By Madison Fisler Lewis

Nov. 10, 2014. The Boone Mall, located at 1180 Blowing Rock Road, will host a Veterans Day Event at 11 a.m. on Tuesday, Nov. 11. The event is held each year at the mall to thank service members for their sacrifices.

At center court, the Watauga Community Band will play live music starting at 10:30 a.m. before the beginning of the program.

imgres“The biggest hit of the event is the Watauga Community Band,” said George Brudzinski, who has coordinated the event for four years. “The program starts at 11 a.m., but they start playing music at 10:30. They are truly remarkable and they are prepared to do all of the music for the entire program.”

The keynote speaker this year will be Brigadier General James Walker.

“He is a U.S. Marine Corp retiree,” Brudzinski said. “He is going to be speaking about the troops sent to Africa to find Ebola. He is also the director of international operations for Samaritan’s Purse, and he will speak a little bit about the camp that they have in Alaska where they bring warriors that have been wounded and reunite them with their wives.”

The invocation for the event will be given by Sonny Sweet, and intensive care nurse Darlene Caudill will do the benediction with a medley of patriotic music. Opening comments will be made by Bob Gibbard, president of the High Country Chapter of the Military Officers Association of America (MOAA). The posting of the colors will be performed this year by members of the American Legion Post 130. Tables will be set up by veteran military organizations to display information.

“The day represents a day when we should all take time to recognize our servicemen and women for what they have done for this great nation in protecting the freedoms we now have. It is also a day to recognize the families of our military personnel who have sacrificed silently over the years,” read a press release.

The event is expected to have a great turnout, as it has every year.

“We have 300 chairs, and they are all full with people standing in the back every year,” Brudzinski said. “We are looking at 300-350 people who come to this every single year.”

The Boone Mall is located at 1180 Blowing Rock Rd. in Boone. For more information about this event, click here.