The Art Cellar Presents Texture, Color, & Pattern Featuring Carolyn Blaylock and Lisa Stinson until September 16

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As we near the end of our 2023 Summer Exhibition Series at the Art Cellar, our walls will feature regional artists Carolyn Blaylock and Lisa Stinson. This curated show hearkens back to a previous Art Cellar blog published in February. This blog, 2023 Design Trends Report, detailed our own Gallery Staff’s opinion on this year’s biggest upcoming trends in the world of art and design; from Maximalism to a Barbie Pink summer, Salon-style walls, experimental colors, and more. Lisa and Carolyn’s exhibition exemplifies these trends to a tee. A harmonious blend of styles has created a truly magnificent show absolutely bursting with color and texture.

Color and texture can be a prominent guiding force in an artist’s creative process. Both Carolyn and Lisa use heightened texture and color to stimulate the senses. Bold textures create a seduction to touch or visually drink in the playful quality of the paint and clay. The use of bright and bold color in combination with these alluring textures create optical illusions on both the surface of the ceramics and paintings. This exhibition could be deemed as somewhat of an experiment, as the two artists are pushing the boundaries of their own personal styles.

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Lisa Stinson’s well-known Texture Series Platters were built off of this idea and have been growing ever since. As an artist whose relationship with their process is much stronger than the final result, she constantly seeks new ways to expound upon that which already exists. In her new collection of works arriving at the Art Cellar on August 30th, Lisa will be presenting works with more literal representations than we have previously seen from her. Vases with vibrant crawling blooming flowers, hexagonal opal forms, and patterned dinner plates are a vast departure from the abstract textures and subjects that most would associate with Lisa, but right in line with her willingness to experiment and grow.

Carolyn Blaylock’s loose depictions of flower filled “landscapes” are soft and easy on the eyes. They fill a space with much needed calm while pulling in subtle notes of vibrancy. Carolyn and Lisa are similar in that they lean into the process of creation more so than trying to cultivate an end result. Carolyn describes her painting process as a dance. She begins a painting with no intention in mind and over time, it begins to take shape and generate a life of its own. Her use of color and texture feed the narrative of her process. Her abstracted forms play with the senses and create overall compositions that dazzle the eye and tickle the mind.

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Photo submitted.

With such unbound processes and experimental methods, both Carolyn and Lisa can sometimes face the consequences of creation without rules. An entire batch of ceramic works intended for this very show were ruined in the kiln! Experimentation does not come without risks, but there is beauty in the unknown. It is fuel for the fire of growth and the journey of self-discovery. The development of both Lisa and Carolyn’s distinctive styles throughout the years can be directly attributed to this bravery, to diving headfirst into risk and living and growing with the end results.

This show is bursting from the seams with bright and vibrant color palettes, high variations in texture and subject, and a narrative that touches the soul, we hope you’ll come enjoy it with us. Stop by, stay a while, and fill your senses with the incredible pairing of Carolyn Blaylock and Lisa Stinson.

Courtesy of the Art Cellar.