Jan. 23, 2013. Celebrate the Third Birthday of the Smoke-Free Restaurants and Bars Law in North Carolina. Watauga County residents have enjoyed three years of restaurants and bars serving up what you ordered without the health hazards of tobacco smoke. The smoke free anniversary is Jan. 2.
“Thanks from the bottom of our lungs to all those who help create a healthier smoke-free environment for North Carolinians and visitors dining in our great state,” said Northwest Tobacco Prevention Coordinator David Willard.
The US Surgeon General released a report in 2006 called The Health Consequences of Involuntary Exposure to Tobacco Smoke which explains all the known health risks of SHS and states, “there is no known safe level of exposure to SHS.”
“The smoke-free law protects workers and customers from the known health hazards of secondhand smoke, has improved indoor air quality, prevented heart attacks and saved health care dollars,” said Beth Lovette, Appalachian District Health Department Health Director
Many communities around the state are hosting local events to celebrate the Third Birthday of the Smoke-Free Restaurants and Bars Law in North Carolina.
Jack Pepper, Owner of Pepper’s Restaurant in Boone, said “The law has been positive for all restaurants; it has put all bars and restaurants on a level playing field.” Pepper’s has been smoke-free before the law had passed.
For more information, visit www.apphealth.com or contact the Appalachian District Health Department at 828-264-4995