Under state law, elections officials must release the number of provisional ballots cast in each county by noon two days after the election. The State Board surveyed the 100 county boards of elections across North Carolina and provides the provisional ballot numbers by county below.
Provisional ballots cast on Election Day must still be researched to determine voter eligibility. Provisional ballots are cast when an individual’s name does not appear on the poll book or other questions arise about that person’s eligibility to vote or to vote a particular ballot.
After Election Day, each county board of elections meets before certifying the results to make decisions on provisional applications submitted by voters. If the board determines that the voter is eligible, the provisional ballot is counted. If the voter is eligible for some contests on the ballot but not others, the eligible contests will be counted for that voter. These ballots will be added to the results during the canvass process.
Ballots determined to be cast by eligible voters will be added to the results after county board absentee meetings scheduled through November 13. The State Board is compiling a schedule of county board meetings and will release it as soon as possible.
County | # of Provisionals |
Alamance | 868 |
Alexander | 175 |
Alleghany | 33 |
Anson | 100 |
Ashe | 103 |
Avery | 114 |
Beaufort | 132 |
Bertie | 87 |
Bladen | 129 |
Brunswick | 869 |
Buncombe | 737 |
Burke | 116 |
Cabarrus | 1049 |
Caldwell | 310 |
Camden | 32 |
Carteret | 460 |
Caswell | 122 |
Catawba | 442 |
Chatham | 156 |
Cherokee | 48 |
Chowan | 52 |
Clay | 52 |
Cleveland | 552 |
Columbus | 286 |
Craven | 447 |
Cumberland | 1842 |
Currituck | 106 |
Dare | 176 |
Davidson | 928 |
Davie | 165 |
Duplin | 321 |
Durham | 1277 |
Edgecombe | 167 |
Forsyth | 1500 |
Franklin | 249 |
Gaston | 987 |
Gates | 53 |
Graham | 58 |
Granville | 220 |
Greene | 73 |
Guilford | 1228 |
Halifax | 188 |
Harnett | 803 |
Haywood | 217 |
Henderson | 200 |
Hertford | 71 |
Hoke | 323 |
Hyde | 22 |
Iredell | 341 |
Jackson | 336 |
Johnston | 892 |
Jones | 58 |
Lee | 150 |
Lenoir | 264 |
Lincoln | 353 |
Macon | 83 |
Madison | 108 |
Martin | 100 |
McDowell | 126 |
Mecklenburg | 2483 |
mitchell | 104 |
Montgomery | 156 |
Moore | 389 |
Nash | 544 |
New Hanover | 1200 |
Northampton | 32 |
Onslow | 1074 |
Orange | 247 |
Pamlico | 69 |
Pasquotank | 311 |
Pender | 340 |
Perquimans | 53 |
Person | 121 |
Pitt | 1091 |
Polk | 49 |
Randolph | 536 |
Richmond | 248 |
Robeson | 1472 |
Rockingham | 516 |
Rowan | 441 |
Rutherford | 488 |
Sampson | 202 |
Scotland | 143 |
Stanly | 319 |
Stokes | 167 |
Surry | 341 |
Swain | 48 |
Transylvania | 91 |
Tyrrell | 12 |
Union | 933 |
Vance | 55 |
Wake | 3437 |
Warren | 72 |
Washington | 40 |
Watauga | 260 |
Wayne | 573 |
Wilkes | 234 |
Wilson | 276 |
Yadkin | 81 |
Yancey | 62 |
Total | 40766 |