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Snow Showers Cancel School in Watauga and Avery Counties; More Snow On The Way

The March weather has reminded everyone that there is still a little winter weather left in the High Country.

Snow blanketed the roads and sidewalks early Wednesday morning, forcing schools in Watauga County and Avery County to cancel classes for the day. It is an optional teacher workday in both counties.

This is the 14th snow day so far this year for Watauga and Avery counties.

Appalachian State University picked a good time for its spring break as classes are out for the week and unaffected by the snowfall.

The Boone campus of Caldwell Community College and Technical Institute will not open until 10 a.m.

According to the forecast from Ray’s Weather Center, expect some more snow showers tonight and Thursday morning and the potential for more frozen precipitation this weekend. To see Ray’s Weather forecast click here:  Ray’s Weather

Wednesday morning snow scenes from the Boone area: