Sixth Annual Wine For A Reason Autism Fundraiser at Linville Falls Winery on April 27

By Joe Johnson

The Hurst Family will be holding the sixth annual Wine For A Reason autism fundraiser at the Linville Falls Winery this Saturday, April 27 from 12 p.m. to 6 p.m. Wine For A Reason includes events such as a silent auction from 12 p.m. to 5:30 p.m., live music performances from 3 p.m. to 6 p.m., and a food truck from The Cardinal serving food from 12 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. (or until the food runs out). Wine For A Reason events are open to all ages, and they always amount to a fun-filled day for the entire family.

Organizing the Wine For A Reason autism fundraiser each year is personal for the Hurst family, as their son Mark has been diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder. “Our son was diagnosed six years ago; you know, when a child is diagnosed with autism, you’re not given a manual,” said Rebecca Hurst. “One of the resources we found when we searched Google was the Autism Society of North Carolina. We absolutely know the Autism Society will be a part of our son’s life and our lives into the future and beyond. They provide amazing opportunities for families and individuals living with autism. They have the largest and longest running camp for autistic individuals. They provide resources helping autistic individuals get out into the workforce. They provide support within the school system; I could go on and on. That’s why we chose to support them, because we know how important they are and how vital they are, not just to our family but also to any family in North Carolina who lives with autism.”

Hurst would like to emphasize that Wine For A Reason is not only for celebration but for education about autism as well. “We will have an information table full of resources for families living with autism,” said Hurst, “It’s not only a day to celebrate and be together, which is definitely important, but it’s also a day of getting information and finding resources for autism.”

The silent auction features products from many area businesses and individuals, with a wide variety of arts, crafts, collectibles, goods and services for auction. 

Wine For A Reason events will include a silent auction featuring products from various local vendors and creators being auctioned off. “The community is so supportive of us,” said Hurst. “Local businesses and friends donate amazing items for the silent auction every year. We really don’t have to ask; everybody comes out of the woodwork and it’s wonderful to have that sense of community and support. This year, we have hand painted furniture, pottery from a personal friend, and we actually have a baker who has donated a gift certificate for a cake! We have some great items to auction this year.”

The Cardinal Food Truck of Boone will be onsite and serving up their specialties just for you. Their menu features an eclectic mix of hand crafted foods and appetizers.

Famous for their classic American “road food” made with the freshest ingredients available, The Cardinal Food Truck of Boone will be onsite and serving up specialties during the Wine For A Reason autism fundraiser. Beer from the Beech Mountain Brewing Company will also be served during the event. “We have an incredible food truck from Boone, The Cardinal, which is amazing,” said Hurst. “Autism awareness is really close to their hearts and they have been very supportive of us. Also, Beech Mountain Brewing Company has also donated beer for our event as well and all those proceeds will go toward the Autism Society of North Carolina. Then we have some great live music, and we also have our silent auction.”

The Hurst family would like to thank the Wiseman family for donating their property, Linville Falls Winery, to be used for the Wine For A Reason autism fundraiser. “We are so grateful to the Wiseman family for giving us this venue every year to hold this event,” said Hurst. “It means the world to us. We can’t thank Linda, Jack and Jessica Wiseman enough for what they do for us!”

Dance, sing along and enjoy a fun mix of pop, rock and country music all afternoon, while relaxing in the beautiful mountain setting of Linville Falls Winery at the sixth annual Wine For A Reason fundraiser.
The Wine For A Reason fundraisers are always a fun-filled day for the entire family. There will be special activities for the kids both indoors and outdoors.